Chapter 24: Goodbye, Keith.

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Keith was already packed. All  ready to leave. His friends were with him, saying goodbye. Lance missed school to spend the day with him, knowing it would be one of the last for a while.

"Life's a piece of shit." Lance mumbled as Keith was about to get in Shiro's car to leave. That made Keith laugh a bit. "Yeah, but we'll see each other again soon."

Keith held up his phone and smiled. "Always got my number... And your arm." Now Lance was laughing. "Youre right."

Keith's smile then started to fade. "Promise me we'll keep talking?" He said. Lance held Keith's hands and smiled. "Promise."

Shiro then honked the horn as a signal for Keith. He sighed in response. Keith's arms then wrapped around Lance and he did the same. "Bye..." Lance said. "I think you mean see you later." Keith said. He then gave lance a quick goodbye kiss and then went into the car.

As they drove off, Keith looked at his arm and words started to fade in.

I love you

He smiled and then wrote back

I love you too



Please read!

Hey! Sooo I had a random spark of motivation literally during PE and Im still in pe lol. I know this last chapter is short and some loose ends are in the story but they will be covered in the next story! I plan on writing this weekend simce this.week is way too hectic to write. I hope you will enjoy the next story (if you read it). I will post on here when that story is up so STAY TUNED AND DONT DELETE THIS FROM YOUR CURRENT READING THING. okay thats it! See you soon!

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