Chapter 19: Poster

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What the fuck? I thought as I saw Shiro's car speeding out of the parking lot and down the highway. I decided that I would just go home and speak to him tomorrow.


On the way home, Shiro scolded me, but I didn't really listen. Occasionally I said "uh huh" or "okay" but that was it.

I was mainly thinking about how exhilarating it was. But I wouldn't do that again. It was just to avoid Lance.

But I do know that I'll have to confront him tomorrow.

When we got home I just went to bed.


I got up and got ready for school. I honestly forgot up Lance until I was about to get on the but.

Oh shit... I started to panic, but I just got on the bus and prayed that Lance wont be too mad at me for driving recklessly. Does he even know I drove the car? Is he mad at me for skipping? He probably is, maybe I should make it up to him. I don't want him to be mad... Wait I know how I'll-

I was so into my thoughts that I almost didn't get off the bus. I got out of my thoughts when the bus driver yelled at me to get off. I quickly got off the bus, she's pretty scary when she yells at you.

I saw Lance and just walked up to him, I didn't say "Hi" or anythung at all.

"Well hi to you too." He said. You could tell he was mad at me by the tone of his voice.

I grabbed his wrist and dragged him to the boys bathroom.

I got him against the wall and started kissing him.

He started kissing back. We were making out in a bathroom, kinda gross, but no one was in here so it was fine.

After a but, he grabbed my shoulder and took me back away from his face.

"I thought you were mad at me?" Lance asked.

I put my arms around his waist and nuzzled my head into his chest. "I know, but I don't want to fight anymore." I mumbled. "Im sorry that I'm yelled at you, I'm sorry that I drove away when I saw you at Happy Katelneker, I'm sor-" He cut me off. "You're the one who drove all crazy?!" His face looked shocked. "Lets jist forget about that..." I mumbled. "Fine." He said. "Now lets get out of the bathroom, it kinda smells here." I nodded and we went to our usual spot where Pidge and Hunk were there.

"What took you guys so long?" Pidge asked. "We were just talking about stuff." Lance explained.

"I bet about your relationship." She said smugly.

I started to panic.

How the fuck does she know? Are we obvious? FUCK.

"W-what relationship?" I pretended I don't know what she was talking about.

Her eyes went wide like she just fucked up.



Shit. I totally forgot that it was a secret relationship... FUCK MY LIFE. FUCK MY BIG MOUTH.

I sighed. "I guess I don't need to keep it a secret anymore. Allura sent me a picture of you guys sleeping on the couch and I told her that I didn't know you guys were dating and then she told me you guys were soulmates yada yada yada." I explained.


I nodded proudly. "Hehe yeah."

"Whatever..." Keith mumbled. "I'm going to class early." He said and walked off to class.

"Keith didn't want to tell anyone yet, but at least only you two know." Lance said.

"Well, actually..." I said.

"YOU TOLD PEOPLE?!?!?!" Lance yelled.

I laughed. "Nah, just pulling your chain."

We talked some more and then the bell rang for class. We waved bye to eachother and headed off to class.


Ah, yes. Finally lunch time. On my way to lunch m, I saw a new poster on the bulliten board today. I decided to go and take a look at.

I got closer to it and relized what it said and what the picture on it was.

A poster that said "How many secrets do they have?" At the top and below that was a picture of Keith and Lance making out in the bathroom.

(728 words)


Okay anyways, if you didn't see the tagged thing I posted, I have a few things to say.

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