Chapter 22: The Plan

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It's been months since that first poster went up. Ever since, more and more posters have been going up. We thought they were safe outside of school, but no. There are losters of Lance and I hugging, holding hands, and even when we are just hanging out with friends, the person just edits out the other people, and when we are alone and not with eachother, they edit Lance or I in. This person is some crazy stalker and just looking for drama. This whole situation is causing me so much stress.

So there I was, laying on my bed; feeling hopeless that we can't catch the person in the act, let alone figure out who they are. Pidge gave up already, which puts us behind in figuring it who it is; I mean, she does have fany technology and uses her brain all the time... Unlike Lance.

Just then, I got an idea. I called Pidge and luckly she picked up right away.

"Wassup emo mullet?" She said from the other side of the phone.

"One, stop calling me that, and 2, I think I know how to catch the culprit."

"Emo Mullet, I gave up on that. It will stop soon, okay?"

I sighed. He just accepted the name.

"Just help me, okay?"

"Fine.... But it depends on what I habe to do!"

"Well then I don't know if you will go along with it."

"Just tell me and I'll deciede."

We were talking on the phone for a while discussing the plan, during that time we got Lance and Hunk on a video chat and they all agreed with the plan. Now just to execute it.



Their plan was all set up. Sometimes they wondered why they didn't think of this sooner.

Keith and Pidge signalled Lance and Hunk that they were ready. They began their plan.

Keith grabbed Pidge's hand and they walked into the park. They knew the person would be there, ready to take pictures. Keith thought they would be shocked to see him with Pidge and act all "lovey dovey". It reality, both of them wanted to puke. They see eachother as brother and sister, and no one, well... most people, find being in a relationship with one other repulsing.

However, the brushed that off and continued with their plan.

Pidge looked up at the sky and saw the drone was working fine. Keith looked and Lance and saw that he was looking around for anyone suspicious. He was backup for Hunk.

Pidge and Keith were holding hands practically the whole time. Nothing happened. Hunk was always good at spotting things, Pidge and Keith looked believable, and Lance... well Lance looked like he was distracted. He looked a bit jealous that Pidge was there with Keith instead of him, but it is better with Pidge because they seem hungry for drama.

They were at the park for a little bit over an hour and everyone got tired of doing this.

"Pidge, I think we should just give up." Keith said.

"Ye-" Pidge saw someone in the corner of her eye. They had their phone out, so she texted Hunk about it quickly and then whispered to Keith. "I see them.. Now follow my lead." Keith nodded.

"Why don't you just tell Lance that your soulmate changed to me?" She asked and made sure she was loud enough for the person to hear.

"I'm worried how he'll take the news..." He said.

"Just, please, tell him tonight."

"Um... Yea...." He said.

"Good." She smiled. She looked out of the corner of her eye and saw Lance amd Hunk ready to talkle them.

She leaned towards Keith, making it look lile she was gonna kiss him, to distract the person. She stopped right in front of Keith's face amd then she heard a loud thud.

"We got em'."

(647 words)
Ey long time no see. Thanksgiving is tomorrow and my sisters birthday is tomorrow so im not gonna have time to do anything and I dont wanma do it after, so there is no thanksgiving special. Plus I need to do homework tomorrow cause im a procrastinator.

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