Chapter 2: Lance's Birthday

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It has been months since Keith's birthday and lots of bruises in that tume period. Keith seemed to hurt himself alot, and get into fights. During those 8 months, Keith spent about a month living on the streets before this couple saw him and couldn't leave him there. Their names were Shiro and Alura, a newlywed. After they brought him into their home, Keith was never happier.

Meanwhile, Lance in those eight months was happy but no one could say the same for his mamá. The more cuts, bruises, and black eyes he got, the worse they got. His mother already hated Keith, even though she didn't know his name nor personality. She didn't even know his gender (she assumed a girl though). All she knew is that he always got hurt and she didn't like seeing her son hurt. But when it was Lance's birthday, she got even more scared. Scared that he would communicate with that "delinquent" as she called him.


"SÍ, SÍ, SÍ!" Lance screamed hugging his mamá. Thats was my anwser to his mom's question, even though she knew the anwser.

After my family and I had cake and I opened my presents, I quickly went to my room with a pen. I wrote on my hand saying "Hi! Im your soulmate!" I wrote. I then waited. And waited. And waited. Did they not see it.... Did they purposely not respond? They must have not seen it... Its been an hour so.... I thought. I waited 5 more minutes and then I had a response. My other message was washed away, I think they washed it off. Their message said "Hi." And that was it. I was so tired I didn't respond back. I just went to sleep.


I know these chapters are short but in the near future they will be longer. When I get to where they are in high school (which will be in a few chapters) they will be the longer ones and I plan to make them around a 1000 words. Anyways thats it, byeeeeeeeeee :3

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