Chapter 13: Lance's Birthday

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-Lance's POV-

It's been a few days since my little sleep over at Keith's but we haven't spoken since.

We barely even talked after the kiss happened.

"Does he not like me? No... Of course he does.... Is it just that he's not ready for a relationship? No... He must be... Right...?" I argued in my head. "I shouldn't be thinking if this now... I should be thinking of happy things, like my birthday that's in a few days!" I thought, changing the subject in my head.

I finally got out of my bed and started getting ready for school.


When I got to school, I saw Hunk almost immediately. Surprisingly, he wasn't with Pidge.

"Why aren't you with Pidge?" I asked, walking up to him. "We had... An argument..." Hunk admitted.

I was in shock. They never argue. Like ever.

"If you don't mind me asking, what was it about?"

"I don't know if Pidge would want me to say..."

"Fait enou-" I got cut off by him.

"I didn't finish." He said. "But her opinion doesn't always matter." He continued.

"Our argument was about you and Keith. I heard you slept over" Hunk finished, giving Lance a wink.

"How did you know that?!" I asked. I could just tell I was a bit flushed.

"I'm not telling you anything more." He said. "Well... Just maybe ask Allura..." And with that, the bell rang and they both headed off to class.


I decided it was probably best not to tell Keith, he might have freaked out.

Instead, I talked about a lighter topic- when we had the chance to talk, of course.

"Hey, I don't think I've ever told you when my birthday is." I said.

"Nope..." He responded.

"He's still having short responses..." I thought.

"Do you want to know when it is?"

"...sure..." Keith said. He still wasn't even looking up at me, just looking at the worksheet we are supposed to be doing.

"It's today!"

Keith looked up frantically. "What?! I never knew! I would have gotten you a gift! I would have done a bunch of stuff for you!" He rambled.

"It's fine, Keith. I never told you anyways." I said.

He sighed. "Yea... But now I don't know what to get you."

"Then how about we just hang out after school? You can celebrate my birthday with my family and I!" I suggested.

"That sounds great." Kaith said. "I'll just tell Shiro or Allura that I'm hanging out with you after school."

"And my mamá will be fine with it." I said, excitedly.


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