Chapter 6: Dinner

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I went down stairs after Keith went down and was still a bit flustered. Keith's  "parents" were passing out plates and Keith was  bringing out the food.

Once everyone had a plate, fork, and this food was out, everyone took a seat at the table. "Everyone can help themselves." A woman with white hair said with a smile. If I remember correctly, I think her name was Alura, and her husband's name was Shiro.

Everyone took their food and started eating. Then chatting started. The adults were talking to eachother, and my siblings were talking to eachother. Me and Keith were the silent ones. People noticed but didn't care. Well, everyone but Sofia. She knew what happened. She decided to break the silence between me and him. She was sitting next to me so she decided not two interrupt everyone elses converations, and just talk to us. "So, what did you do in Keith's room." she asked us, while basically doing a Lenny face. "All he did was show me his knife collection." I said while I continued eating. "And someone just happened to cut their finger." Keith replied after me. "Hey!" I bursted back. "What! Its true though!" Keith said laughing a bit.


While those two were bickering, (more of just Lance doing that though) I noticed something... Odd. Keith was also wearing a band-aid in the same exact spot. I immediately knew that Keith must have been hiding it. But why? I had to find out... "Uh Keith can you show me where the bathroom is?" I asked, making up an excuse. "But don-" He started to speak but I cut him off. "Show me it again, I forgot." I said, filling my mouth with words of lies and excuses. "Ok..." he said. Score.


I walked up to the bathroom amd pointed to the door. "There it is." I said. I started walking away but the she grabbed my wrist. "I actually wanted to get you alone to ask you a question." She said. She looked kinda serious. "Oh uh sure." I said with open ears. "Have you told Lance that your his soulmate?" She asked. How'd she know?! I thought. I was sorta having a panic attack. I felt my face get a bit hotter. "Psh, what. Im not his soulmate!" I said lying. I was always a bad liar. She laughed at me a bit. "Oh my god, you're such a bad liar!" she pointed out. "Tell me something I dont know..." I mumbled. "Yea yea. Just why haven't you told him. He was so excited to see you at school but then you said that you never saw him." She said. "I just thought he wouldn't like me..." I said admittedly. "Dude you guys almost kissed though!" She pointed out. "He likes you, even though he thinks you aren't soulmates." I blushed. "Then I guess I should tell him tonight then..." I mumbled. "Yes you should!" She said. "I was being sarcastic..." I mumbled again. "Suuuurrrreeeee" she said while entering tge bathroom and then closing the door. I was still blushing a bit but I just went down stairs, back to dinner.

Once dinner was over, everyone talked for a bit and then Lance's family had to go. Including him. The time I have beem dreading,but not at the same time, has come. Everyone was back in their car, except Lance.

Lance stepped outside of the front door and started heading to his car. I quickly wemt out too and stopped him from going any further. "Lance." I said, putting a masl of confidence on. "I have to tell you something." I blushed a bit but it was too dark outside for him to probably notice. "Im all ears." He replied. As I opened my mouth his mom started screaming from the car. "Lance mueve ese pequeño miembro del tuyo!" Lance yelled back. "SÍ!" He then looked at me. "Tell me it at school on Monday." He said smiling. He then walked to his car and, what felt like a flash, he was gone.

I was close.

(689 words)

I know this chapter was kinda short but hey, I didn't wanna make them all long. I also already have an idea for the next chapter, but it might be kinda short too so imma try and also post that today too and then over the weeked some more. Thats ittt byeeee :3

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