Chapter 21: All That Trouble Just For a Cuddle?

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Please read the a/n at the end
-Lance's POV-

Keith was still really sad and angry from the poster; he was texting me all night on Friday about it.

I invited him over on Saturday to comfort him and he obviously accepted and I knew Mamá wouldn't mind.


It was the next day and Keith was gonna come over at 1 pm. I look over at the clock and see that its 10 am. That will be enough time I thought. I got dressed and then started to head out the door to go downstairs.

On my way out i tripped on something plastic and stubbed my toe. "¡Mierda!" I screamed in pain and frustration at myself for stubbing my toe.

"¡No maldiciendo!" I heard my Mamá scream from down stairs. "¡Lo siento, Mamá!" I yelled back. I turned around and looked at what exactly I stubbed my toe on. It was a nerf gun that Benji left out. I turn around to put it back in the room but I notice our room.

It was a hot mess, I'm talking about dirty clothes every where, toys every where, trash too. "¡BENJI!" I yelled. He scream back to me from down stairs. "¿¡QUÉ!?"

"¡LLEVATE AQUÍ!" (a/n: this is probably wrong I used google translate for this one) I yelled. I heard him running up the stairs and next thing I knew, he was next to me. "What the hell is this?" I pointed to the room that was clearly a mess. "Look again." He said, and then ran back downstairs. I look back at the room and notice that its all my stuff. All my dirty clothes on the floor, all my action figures of Spiderman. What can I say, he's the best superhero and he's hot under that suit.

I start cleaning up my room. I glance over at the clock. 10:36?!?! How does time go by so fast?!? I start speeding up my pace.

There was alot of struggle into cleaning this room. I wasn't done cleaning the room yet when I heard the doorbell rang. I just decided to shove the rest of the shit in my closest and then fix it later. I even thing one of my glass spider-man figurines might have broke when i did that...

When I was running down the stairs to go to Keith. I bet Mamá got the door.

As I was running down, K wasn't paying attention and fell on someone. After the impact to the floor happened, I saw it was Keith.

"You're really falling for me." He said smugly. "Yea, yea, shut up Mullet." I said back. I got off of him and helped him up.

Once we were alone in my room, we mainly just talked about what happened, I comforted Keith by hugging and cuddling him (he doesn't really seem like that kind of guy but he loves hugs, just is a bit hesitant at first).

Once he left i took out everything that I threw in my closest and saw my glass spider-man figurine decapitated, I just might see a ghost tonight.

I also found one of my Poloriods broken. I put it to the side and decided to bring it to the record shop, where I got it, and they'll put it in my pile of all my broken ones. They like to save memories, that place is like a house of memories.

I look at the clock. 9 pm. I turn to see Benjis eyes the size of the moon. He noticed my broken spider-man. "It's fine" I mumbked to him. "I'll just try to glue it back together."


-Lance's Mom's POV-

Teenagers these days, scaring the living shit out of me. Cursing here cursing there, makng there "famous" words act as if theyre his last ones.

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