Chapter 17: Bugged

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I woke up the next day and already forgot about the conversation Keith and I had, well until I was brushing my teeth. I remembered about it then. I decided that I should talk to Keith about it.

I finsihe getting ready for school and got on the bus in time.

I got off my bus and saw Keith, Pidge, and Hunk. I quickly went to them.

"Hey guys." I said to everyone. "Hey." Pidge and Hunk both said, but Keith didn't say anything; he just kept his arms crossed and didn't look at him. He was obviously annoyed at me from last night.

I grabbed Keith's arm and dragged him away from everyone else. "Hey! Let go!" He yelled. "Nope. Let's talk." I said, still trying so drag him. Pidge came up to Keith and put her hand on his shoulder. "Just go , he wants to talk so just talk. Me and Hunk want to talk too anyways." She said. "Fine..." Keith sighed. Lance let go of his arm and they both walked away from Hunk and Pidge.



I walked back to Hunk. "Why did you say we wanted to talk? We have nothig to talk about." He asked. "Well I want to talk." I said.

"Keith and Lance are so dating." I said. "No way. They are not dating." Hunk said. "Bet?" I asked. "Bet." He replied. Little does he know, I already know they're dating.

"Well, lets see what they're talking about." I said. I took out my ipad and put an earbud in. "Wait, did you bug them?" Hunk asked. He seemed worried that I probably did. "Yup, when I touched Keith's soulder." I said. "You can't do that!" Hunk complained. "Too bad. Already did. Now put an earbud in." I said. I shoved an earbud in his ear and he just gave in.

"-ut you know, maybe we should."

"No, Lance! Can you respect my decision!"

"I am, it's just, you haven't even told anyone else that we a-"

"Don't say it! I don't wamt to hear that word! Honestly, how do I know you're lying to me!"

They both stopped talking for a few seconds.

"I wouldn't do that, Keith..."

There was another pause, but a faint sound of Lance going threw his backpack.

"See? I wouldn't lie to you."

Keith sighed. "Good... Just, I'm not ready to tell anyone though..."

"I know, Keith, but-"

"You still are fighting me on this!? Just go away until you understand, and stop being an asshole!"

"Wait, Ke-"

I quickly pull out my earbud and Hunk's and stuff my ipad in my backpack.

30 seconds later I see Keith storming off to class, and Lance is walking back to us.

"What happened?" I asked, pretending that I don't know what happened, well, most of it.

"I don't want to talk about it..." Lance said.

Then the bell rang for homeroom and we headed to class.

(492 words)

Im sick :D
So thats how i got this out so fast because I didnt go to school and stuff... So yea :I

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