Special Chapter

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So I said I was going to do a Q and A when I hit 1k reads and I never did a Q and A. But, I didn't do it because I changed my mind and decided to do this special chapter (and i never told you about it... Hehe) But, I never posted it so I decided to post it now!

(But of course I edited it, making it more relevant to this time and fixed spelling mistakes. This also doesn't effect the story. And I know this is kinda shitty -^-)

Anyways, ENJOY!



Keith and Lance were browsing around the internet's pictures, bored out of their minds, until they stumbled across a picture of them with the title "Soulmates" on top and "by Stalker-Pancake" on the bottom.

"Uhhh what is this?" Keith asked Lance to see if he knew.

"No idea..." Lance responded. "Let's find out more!"

Lance immediately took over a computer and clicked on the photo to see where it came from.

"Wattpad?" Keith questioned.

"I don't know what that is either, Hun." Lance amwsered back.


Lance's face turned red and panicked. "I-I mean, buns! I.... like your buns...."

"You like my butt...?" Keith blushed.

"LET'S JUST KEEP SEARCHING." The cuban boy said, still as red as a tomato.


They then went on the website called "Wattpad" and made an account so they can look around on it.

"So let's look for the creator, I think their name was 'Stalker-Pancake'."

They searcher for my- I mean, the person's username amd it popped up under the title section "Proflies".

"Huh, so this is the culprit." The cuban boy said. "Let's scroll down and see their books."

Keith agreed.

They scrolled down and saw two books.

"There's another one?! AND ONE HAS 3000 VEIWS!" Keith said. "Also, what does AU mean?"

"One, clam down; and two, it means alternate universe." Lance answered.

"But this isn't an alterate universe!" The boy with the raven hair said.

"Maybe not to us, but to them?" Lance suggested.

"Maybe... Also, what is Klance?"

"Sounds like a ship name... like a ship name for us." Lance said.

Keith blushed a bit. "Lets just read the story."

They read the while story so far and were in shock.


"Calm down Keith!" Lance said. "At least they skipped alot of time. It makes the story more interesting."

A knock then came from the window behind them and they heard the words: "It really does making it more interesting."

The turned around to see a person looking through their window.

"Hey, I'm Avery, the writer of your story."




They both said that at the same time and you can probably tell who said what.

"Why are you still typing?!" Keith asked, clearly feeling violated.

"Because I can." The author said.

The author the "disappeared."

"...well that was fun." Lance said.

"To you." Keith mubbled.

"Awww, is someone grumpy?"

"JUST GO AWAY!" Keith yelled, pouting, and folding his arms.

Lance hugged him from behind and wisphered in his ear. "Awwww don't be so grumpy."

"Ugh, you so annoying." Keith grumbled.

He then broke free from Lance and stopped into his room.

Soulmates- Book 1Where stories live. Discover now