Chapter 16: Our Relationship

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I've probably been sitting here, in the park, for hours now. My phone has been going off like crazy and Lance has been writing to me.

They all just cant seem to leave me alone.

I know they're worried, but they just dont understand.

After about 5 more minutes of sitting on the bench, my stomach starts growling.

I opened my phone case and took 5 dollars out of my "emergency money" that I keep in my phone case for, well, emercencies.

Luckly, there is always food trucks near this park.

I walk around the block and see a food truck. I go up and see what the prices are.

In the end, I only took out enough water for a bag of chips and a water bottle, which I was fine with.

I sit on the curb and start eating my chips.



How many times do I have to call him?! I thought. Allura and Shiro called my mom, telling her that Keith ran away and then she told me.

I called him one last time. No anwser.

I started writing on my arm, he sould definitely see this.

5 minutes pass after writing it and he's not answering back still.

I decided that I should go look for him.

I got my shoes on, headed out the door, got my bike, and headed out to find Keith.



After about 15 minutes of Lance looking for Keith, he finally found him sitting on the sidewalk, eating.

"Keith, why haven't you been anwsering?!" Lance asked, clearly worried.

"I jist needed to clear my mind..." Keith mumbled. He was looking down at the ground, avoiding eye contact with Lance.

Lance sat down next to Keith. "I know what happened..." He sighed. "You could have just said that you were alright though..."

"Well I'm too stressed out..." Keith said, glancing a bit up at Lance.

"I know..." He replied.

Keith layed his head down on Lance's sholder.. "I just don't 3want to go into foster care again..."

"And you wont." He assured him. "Just... Tell them you need time to think about it."

"Okay..." He said. Keith put his head on Lance's shoulder. They just sat there for a little while.


After about 15 minutes, Lance took Keith home.

They both stopped at the front door.

"Thanks, Lance." He then gave him a big hug.

"No problem." Lance hugged back.

They then said their goodbyes and Lance rode his bike home.

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