Chapter 20: D.D.

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After I came to look at the poster, many people crowded around me to look at it.

I saw phones being pulled out to take a picture.

Soon enough, it felt like the whole school was here at this bulletin board.

I tried to grab the poster but it was too high.

Dammit, why am I so short? I thought. Since Lance and Keith don't come this way, they wont see the poster.

I quickly ran to the cafeteria to tell Keith and Lance about it.

Once I saw them I went even faster.

"G-guys..." I said out of breathe.

"Geez Pidge, I didn't know you exercise." Lance said.

"Shut up!" I yelled a bit.  "Now that I've caught my breathe, there's a poster about you two! It has a photo you you two and I'm pretty sure it was taken today because you're in the same outfit."

"But we didn't even do anything suspicious today!" Keith said.

I gave them a smug look. "What about in the bathroom?"

Keith's fave was red and he put his face in his hands. "I forgot about that..." He mumbled.

I look over at Lance and he's a bit red too. "I thought there was no one in the bathroom!"

"Well from the angle it looks like someone took it from the door, so there probably was no one in the bathroom at the time." I said.

"Well do you have a photo of the poster?" Lance asked.

"No, but I'm sure it'll be on Instagram soon." I said.

"That's just peachy!" Keith yelled a bit.

"Calm down Keith! Lets just try to find out who posted it." Lance tried calming Keith down.

He sighed. "Fine..."

"Okay, so after school, lets go to my house!" I suggested.

Keith and Lance both agreed.

"Okay, what are we talking about, I like just got here." Hunk said.

"I'll explain to you when we sit down at a table." I said.



It was after school and we went to Pidge's house.

When we went inside, we said 'hi' to Mr and Mrs. Holt, and Matt.

We then went to Pidge's room to do some investigating.

"So," I said sitting on her bed. "Do you have any ideas of how to find out who did the murder?"

"Lance, it's a poster, not a murder." Keith said. "I know, I'm just trying to make it more entertaining!" I said. "Okay... Sure..." He said. He seemed a bit confused by what I said.

"Okay guys!" Pidge said. "Since Hunk can't be here, its one less brain, so now we.only have two brains!" Pidge said.

"Wait, the math doesn't add up, there's three people here!" I pointed out. "I know." She said. "Keith and I have a brain, you don't Lance."

"Hey! I jave a brain! I bet its bigger than yours!" I rebutted at Pidge, folding my arms.

Keith and Pidge looked at each other and then bursted out laughing. I was in utter disbelief. "What are you laughing at? I'm just staring facts!" I yelled. They started laughing even more.

Pidge trued to stop laughing, wiping tears from her eyes. "That's that funniest thing I've ever heard out says!" She said, wiping the tears from her eyes. "Lance," Kieth said, wiping tears from his eyes too. "I love you, but lets be real here." He put his hand on my shoulder. "You aren't the brightest of the bunch."

I shoved his hand off my shoulder. "I could say the same for you." I mumbled. "Lance, the teachers told me I should go a grade or two above in our classes." Keith explained. "Well then why are you not in those classes then?" I asked. He had to have been lying. "I said no to them because I wanted to stay in the classes with you." He said. He put his hand on top of my hand. It was really sweet of him to stay in the same classes as me. I pressed my lips against his and not even a second later I heard Pidge yell.

"Ew! Get a room you two!" She screamed. Keith and I were lost in our own world that we forgot about her.

Keith's face was red. "Lets just get to work" he said.

"Agreed." Pidge said.

"Aw yea! Time for some D.D.!" I said.

"What does D.D. stand for?" Keith asked.

"Detective Time." I replied.

"Then it should be D.T." Pidge said.

"I know, but D.D. sounds way cooler!" I clarified.

"Yea,yea whatever. Lets just get to work." Pidge mumbled.



After about an hour, they narrowed down their suspects.

"There are 4 candidates left on this list." Pidge said.

"Nyma and Rolo are the first two. These two have been doing a blog for a couple years now about drama at school. Rolo could have walked into the boys bathroom and saw this, so a he took a picture. Since their blog isn't doing too well right now, they could have posted it as a poster to promote their blog more, however they would have put their blog on the poster. My only idea for why the didn't is because they knew that they could have been in trouble. Most of the teachers don't even know about their blog. Next, Lotor. He is known for picking on students, starting drama, and most people hate him. Correction, no one likes him. There is a theory on Nyma and Rolo's blog that he is homophobic, but who knows. He could have posed the poster because he's Lotor and he is always doing sneaky stuff. He honestly could be sniffing some stuff." Pidge said. She paused for a second to catch her breath. "Final person is XxD.VaxX. She is definitely a suspect because she has been one to start drama on her twitter. Bad news is that no one knows her identity. They only thing people know is that they are a she and love Overwatch. I believe that she is terrible at the game though... probably... but her posting the poster is great because it's anonymous and she loves to share people's secrets."

Lance and Keith just applauded. They were proud that she narrowed it down and that she said all that with barely any breathes in between. "I think you are way better at this than us." Lance said. "You make it sound like you helped out." Keith said. "I did!" Lance argued. "I said that Shekira could be a suspect!" Keith and Pidge looked a each other.

"I'm just gonna go home. I still have  homework too. Lets talk about this tomorrow." Keith said, packing up his stuff. "M'kay." Pidge said. "Hey I'm still here!" Lance complained. "We know." They said in unison.

Keith then left and Lance stayed for a little bit. They played video games together.


(1141 words)

Man they really ganged up on Lance today.

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