Chapter 9: Hippos

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His words echoed through my head. I didn't really think he had feelings for me. He looks like your typical straight guy. He would probably leave me for a girl in the future and switch his soulmate.... If that is possible...

I started to blackout but the I snapped back into reality. I looked straight into his eyes and asked, "Why?"

His face was a bit startled. "Well, because you're my soulmate." Lance responded.

I looked at him again. "No. Why do you really wanna go out with me. Whats the actual reason?" I asked again.

Lance paused for a moment then smiled. "Have you met youreself? You're hamdsome, even with that stupid mullet, you're smart, you're funny, you're cool! The list can go on and on!"

I felt my face getting warm and I can see that Lance noticed my growing blush. I then looked ay him, with my blush still growing, and said, "Sure."

Lance just smiled and then the bell rang. We headed off to our next class.



I can't belive he said yes! Well I kinda can... But thats not the point. I was extatic. I wanted to scream of joy! But I kept my cool.

As we were walking to our next class, I just... Hugged him. I was just excited and that was the omly way I could show it without screaming my lungs out.

He hugged back and then we comtinued our way to class


When we got to class, we took our seats and finshed our work quickly so we coukd talk.

We both finished our work around the same time as everyone else so everyone started chatting to eachother around the same time.

I turned to Keith amd asked him, "So where do you wanna go?" He sat there for a bit, thinking. After a bit, he turned to Lance. "You choose, I don't care."

Lance thought for a second, and then his face lit up like a lightbulb was just turned on inside of him. How about the carnival? It opens this weeked." He asked. "Sure," I responded. "Seems like fun."

"I can't belive your little emo heart thinks a carnival is fun!" Lance said, laughing a bit. "I'm not emo." I said annoyed. "Of course you aren't." Lance said sarcastically. "So, lets go on Saturday, we can meet up there at 5."

"Sure." I replied. Then the bell rang for our next class.



It was finally Saturday, and I was extatic. Since 12, I was trying to pick out my outfit.

"Formal? Casual? Really Fancy?" I asked myself.

My sister, Sophia, overheard me and went into my room. "What's up with you?" she asked. "I'm hanging out with Keith." I answered. She looked at my outfit choices that were layed oit infront of me. "Are you suuurrrreee you're just hanging out?" She asked in a sly voicesly smiled awkwardly. "Uhhh... Yea..." I said.

I probably sounded ridiculous with my nervous voice. "Just admit it, you found out." She said. I immediately knew what she was talking about. "Wait, how did you know?" I asked. "When you cut your finger on one of his knifes, I noticed he had a cut in the same exact spot. I confronted him and he told me." she said. " I'm also the one who told him to tell you."

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