Chapter 8: Jacket

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It was Monday morning. I kind-of was dreading this day. Lance would probably flirt with me... That will be the death of me...

I turned to the clock and my bus was gonna be there in 5 minutes. UGH SHITTTT I thought. I sprang out of bed and didn't have enough time to do some stuff, so I skipped my gloves and jacket. I also put my hair up in a small ponytail and brushed my teeth quickly. I ran downstairs and just got to the bus.

Great. I look like a mess... I thought as i checked how I looked in my phone camera. I turned off my phone and just waited until I got to school.


As I saw Keith when he got to school, I went to him. "Hey~" I said in a sly tone, winking at him. His face turned redder than a tomato. "Ughhhhh" he groaned, hiding his face in his hands. "I like when you have your hair up." I said with a grin on my face. "Well don't get used to it." He grumbled. "I was only running late today..." After he said that I noticed he didn't have his gloves on or his jacket. "You don't have your gloves or jacket." I pointed out. "Again, I was running late." He responded. "Well you can't be Keith without a jacket." I said. I then took off my jacket and threw it on his head. He took it off his head and then put it on. "This is like, 3 sizes too big." He complained. "But you look so cute in it!" I protested for him to keep it on. After I said that, Keith's face turn red. He then rolled the sleeves up. "Fine..." He said, still with a red face.

Then the bell rang and we headed to class.


We entered the class and sat down in our usual seats.

I had to admit, Lance's jacket was cozy, better than my cropped jacket. It was probably cozier because this jacket has fuzz inside, plus it was two sizes too big.


It was finally lunch and I was starving. I bought lunch and sat next to Lance.

Today, Pidge and Hunk weren't here.

"Why are Pidge and Hunk not here?" I asked, taking a bite of my pizza. "Today they have a club or somethin', so they have the next lunch." Lance responded, taking a bite from his pizza. "Oh." I responded. Lance responded immediately after me. "Well that means we have a lunch to ourselfs." he said winking. I felt my face get hot. "What the hell, Lance!" I said covering my face with my hands. He knew how I get embarrassed easily. "Just teasing!" He said,  laughing a bit. I punched him in his arm. "Ow!" He said after the punch. "You deserve every bit of it." I said. I continued to eat my food and had a normal conversation with Lance till tthe bell rang.

We headed our way to 3rd Period.

(510 words)

I know this chapter is shorter but.... Yea I got nothing. I just thought this chapter would be better shorter. Next chapter will be longer.. I think. If not the one after that!

Anyways, hers a picture of what Keith looks like in Lance's jacket.

(The art is not mine)


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