Chapter 7: Shopping

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It was the next day, a Saturday, and Shiro and Alura forced me to go to the mall with them. They want to get me new clothes. They are denying it, but I think they just want to get me more colorful clothes.

After 10 minutes being in a store, looking for clothes, they gave up. I then went on my own to buy my own clothes at a different store. Hot Topic. And they went to get some icecream at a shop in the mall complex.

I got into Hot Topic and went to the band t-shirts. While I was looking at the shirts, someone wrapped their arms around me. Out of self defense, I punched them, but my eyes were closed so instead of their face, I hit their shoulder.

"Ow!" Their voice sounded familiar. It sounded like... Lance's.  I opened my eyes and saw him rubbing his shoulder. "Im so sorry!" I apologized. "Its fine. Im the one that scared you." He said admittedly. "So you shop at Hot Topic?" I asked jokingly. "What! No! I just saw you in here, thats all... Plus I should be asking you that question." He said turning the tables. "Well I come here for band t-shirts and jeans. They are good quality." I explained. Lance looked over at the shirt rack I was looking at. "My Chemical Romance, Panic! At The Disco, Paramore? Your so emo." He said laughing a bit. "I'm not emo! It's good music!" I barked. "You're also were all black." He said, trying to prove himself right- which he wasn't. "I like black. Nothing wrong with that." I said. "Fine, fine." Lance said, giving up on the argument. "So, wanna hangout?" He asked. "I was honestly just wandering around." He said. I looked at him and smiled. "Sure. But lets get out if here, you look like you don't belong." I said pulling him put with me. "Can't argue with that." He replied.


Keith and I have been walking around for a bit, and then we stopped at a frozen yogurt place. We both were hungry so we stopped in there. Keith got plain vanilla with sprinkles and I got chocolate EVERYTHING. Chocolate yogurt, chocolate sprinkles, fudge, m and ms, chocolate chips, and crushed oreos. Keith laughed a bit of all the chocolate I got. I didn't really care though.

We then payed for our desserts and then sat at a table. We began to eat our yogurt and talked. Though... Keith's left hand looked lonely there. "So the-" Keith was sleaking but I cut him off. "Keith. Yesterday I said I felt like Ive know you for years and I-" I tried grabbing his hand while i was speaking but he at moved it and then cut me off. "It's because you have!" He blurted out. I was so confused. "What?" I asked. He blushed and looked down. He then took a deep breath.


"We've been talking since your tenth birthday. Lance, I'm... Your soulmate. I was scared to tell you on the first day of school cause I was scared you wouldn't like me an-" I stopped talking when I felt arms wrap around me. "I would never not like you..." He wispered. He stopped hugging me and then grabbed my hand. "Honestly, I got a crush on you... But was kinda scared that you weren't my soulmate and it wouldn't work..." He said. "Thats good news." I said smiling. I laced my fingers around his.

We continued to talk for 10 more minutes until we finished our frozen yogurt and we walked out of the small shop, still holding hands.


I was at the mall with Hunk and then I saw them. At least I think it was them. "Hunk. Is that Lance and Keith?" I asked, pointing to them. Hunk looked at them. "I think it is... And they are holding hands?!" Hunk said suprised. "Aww cute! But what about Lance's soulamte?" I asked. All Hunk did was shrug. "KEITH! LANCE!" I yelled. They both heard me but Keith hid his face and Lance lookef at me, smiled, and waved. Me and Hunk went to them. We looked closer and we saw them hold hands for a millisecond before Keith let go of Lance's hand. "Sooo we sww you two holding hands, are you a couple?!" I asked eagerly. "NO!" Keith lashed out. "not yet..." He whispered. I heard him but said nothinf about it. "Well then..." Hunk said, not knowing what to say. "Why don't we all hang out right now?" Lance purposed. "Yea!" Hunk and I said in sync. Keith nodded, a bit embarrassed from before.

We all then started walking together.

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This isn't my favorite chapter but eh. But anyways, I was gonna make the reveal on like chapter 10 but my friend reallt wanted the reveal and was DYING for it. Also I thought the frozen yogurt place would be a cute place to reveal it. Anyways byeeeee :3

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