Chapter 3: Talking

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Lance was just so interested in trying to communicate with Keith and the whole soulmate thing. However, Keith was not. Keith would usually not respond, wait hours to respond, or respond only in a few words. Lance would usually write paragraphs.

After a few months of Lance talking amd not so much Keith, he started having a little crush on Lance. He started talking more and more to Lance. By the time 7th grade rolled around, they found out that they lived in the same town but different schools. After they found that out they exchanged numbers.

Once they started texting Lance then realized he didn't know Keith's name or gender. He then was determined to figure that out, but for some reason, Keith didn't want him to find out.

"Tell me your nameeeeeee" Lance texted to Keith. "No." Keith responded. "Then at least tell me your gender." Lance insisted. "No." Keith repeated.

This persuading and insisting went on for months until Keith finally told Lance his gender. But that was it. Keith already knew he was gay. But Lance didn't know he was bi. This took a toll on Lance and he didn't talk to Keith for a few weeks until he accepted it. Then things went back to normal. Until Keith started panicking.

It was a week before 9th grade started. Lance had to ask what highschool Keith was going to. Keith answered, thinking that they wouldn't be going to the same highschool. "Altean High." Keith anwsered through text. Lance nearly jumped out of his seat. "OMG SAME" He texted back quickly from excitement. "Maybe we will see eachother!"

Keith almost had a panic attack when he read that message.

At least.... He thought

At least he doesn't know my name...

(296 words)

Eyyy so this will be the last short chapter also I am on a writing spree right now so the next chapter will probably come out today. Also if ypu see any mistakes I want to let you know that I don't reread my stuff cause im really lazy so if you see any mistakes comment on that paragraph and I will fix it. Anyways thats it, byeeeeeee :3

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