Chapter 12: Keith's Calling?

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Please read the A/N at the end of the chapter



As we were watching the movie, a kissing scene between Jack and Rose happened. Blah. I'm not a fan of romance stories or kissing. It's not... interesting.

During this scene, Lance scooted closer so me. I turned my head twords him.

A second after I turned, I felt his soft lips on mine. It took me a second to realize what was happening.

"He's kissing me? HE'S KISSING ME!" I thought. I was basically fangirling in my head.

I quickly kissed back.

The kiss only lasted seconds in reality, but to me it felt like a life time.

I could feel that my face was burning up, but we were in the dark, and only the TV was a light source, making the blush hardly noticeable.

I didn't know what to say.

So, I just turned around and continued watching the movie.

So did Lance.



I was dying of thirst, but I didn't want to disrupt the boys when they were watching a movie.

"Should I get water... should I not..." I debated in my head.

I decided to, and just try to be sneaky about it, making sure they wouldn't notice me.

I quietly snuck down the stairs.

I saw them watching Titanic. "Doesn't Keith hate The Titanic?" I thought.

Before I knew it, I saw them kiss. I hurried back upstairs; quietly, of course.

I shook Shiro, trying to get him awake to tell him what I saw but he was knocked out like a light.

"Who would want to hear about this?" I thought. I thought of the perfect person.



Pidge was woken up to the sound of her phone going off like am alarm.

She looked at who was calling her. "Keith? Why is he calling?" she spoke quietly to herself. She picked it up.

"What the hell Kei-" Pidge said into the phone before getting cut off by a female voice.

"It's me, Allura." Saod the voice from the other end.

Pidge knew Allura because of her brother Matt. Matt and Pidge bother have skipped grade and that's how her brother knew Allura.

Soon after they became good friends, Pidge was introduced to Allura and she bascially stole their friendship.

Now Pidge and Allura are even better friends then her and Matt, but they never exchanged numbers for some reason...

"What? Why are you calling?" Pidge asked.

"Well, Lance is staying over because his mother couldn't pick them up after their date an-" Allura said, getting cut off by the younger girl.

"WOAH, WOAH, WOAH! I didn't know they were going on a date! At least this confirms tmy suspicions that they are soulmates."

"Wait, they didn't tell you? Lance hasn't  known that long but still." Allura said suprised. "But anyways, I was getting a glass of water, quietly of course so I wouldn't disturb them, and...."

"AND?!?!" Pidge said eagerly.

"I SAW THEM HAVE THEIR FIRST KISS!" Allura yelled, but then queited down, scared that they might have heard her. "And I have pocture of them cuddling while they were asleep!"

"WOW, REALLY?! SEND THEM TO ME! Wait, you don't have my number." She said. "Well, you're on Keith's phone so just look at the number on there and put it on your phone. Then send the pictures."

"Will do." Allura said. She then hung up the phone and proceeded to do what Pidge told her to do.

(581 words)

So, I feel bad for not posting... I know you guys really enjoy this story so I don't feel that it's fair so HERE ARE MORE CHAPTERS! They will be shorter though until I feel I can write full length chpaters again.

Also, I know, crappy title.

Another thing I wanted to talk about was I have a new book! It's another Klance one and I hope you guys will like it. So far, to Prologue is only out but a new chapter will be out soon.

To end it off, here's a drawing I made for 4th of July today!

To end it off, here's a drawing I made for 4th of July today!

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