Chapter 4: Highschool

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"SHIT." Keith yelled to himself. It was the first day of school, 9th grade. Keith was scared. He knew what Lance looked like and he knew he would be easy to spot. Ever since the beginning of 8th grade, Keith has fallen head over heals for him. He was scared of having a mental breakdown. Lance didn't know what Keith looked like or sound like. He still didn't even know his name. But that could be a good thing.

Keith realized the bus was gonna be there in 10 minutes. He put on his skinny jeans, black t-shirt, gloves, his red cropped jacket, and then his black boots. He then brushed his teeth and then combed out his mullet. He glanced at the clock. "SHIT."he called out again. The bus could be there any second. He grabbed his bag and ran out the door with an empty stomach. He barely made it onto the bus.

Keith was a loner. Had no friends. Never had, and most likelt never will. Well, thats what he thought. He also thought that once Lance saw him, he wouldn't wanna be with him.

The bus arrived at school and Keith was the last off the bus. The school had alot more people than his middle school, unlike his middle school, it was jam packed. Keith tried to avoid as many people as he could but while he tried to take out his schedule out of his bag, he tripped on this short boy? When Keith tripped over the kid, he fell onto a tall, lanky boy. Keith was so embarrassed. "I'm so sorry..." he said getting off of the unknown boy and covering his face from embarrassment. The boy just smiled and said, "Oh its fine! Since your already falling for me, I'll introduce myself. I'm Lance." He said that with a wink even though Keith wasn't looking at him. Wait... Tall and lanky, chessy pick-up lines, his name is LANCE. Keith thought. "L-lance?!" he yelled out. He was much taller than Keith had expected. He knew he was 6'1 and that Keith himself was 5'8.5,but he didn't expect to feel this short compared to him. "Have I met you before?" he asked. "No... Sorry.... I was thinking of a different Lance..." Keith said, thinking of an excuse. "Oh, ok!" Lance said with a stupid smile on his face. The dimwit actually fell for it.... Keith thought. Then the kid Keith tripped over decided to talk. "Don't mind Lance, he is a dimwit and flirts with everyone. It doesn't mean anything." she said. "Well unless if your his soulmate, which your probably not, you look way out of his league." Lance glared at the kid. "Hey! You think everyones out of my league!" he barked. "Cause its true. Anyways I'm Katie, but I like being called Pidge." Pidge said. "Oh ok..." Keith said. He was overwhelmed that people were talking to him. He had no idea what to say. Then the bell rang. Everyone started to scatter.

Lance headed to his class and Keith headed in the same direction as Lance. He was basically following Lance.

Lance entered the classroom amd then Keith short after. Lance saw Keith and waved his hand to get Keith's attention. Keith sat down next to him, luckly, he sat in the back of the class.

"Looks like we are in the same first period." Lance said excitedly with his cute smile. "Heh... Yea..." Keith said, being as awkward as ever. "Hey why dont we look at our schedules and see what we have together" Lance purposed. "Oh uh sure...." Keith said, still being awkward. They both switched their schedules. Keith glanced at all of them quickly while Lance took his time. "We have all of our classes together... And lunch..." Keith said nervously. He was having a mental breakdown. AHHH FUCK. Keith thought. Lance looked up after Keith said that. He could tell he was nervous. "Thats awesome!" He said with his million dollar smile. Then the final bell rang that let the students know that class has started. Keith and Lance then stopped talking and paid attention to the teacher.

A few periods later, and it was time for lunch. Keith has basically been following Lance around everywhere like a magnet. Lance was total opposite of Keith, Keith was more of a badass but hated socializing (more like afriad of it). And Lance was confident (maybe a bit cocky) and loved talking to people, it was practically his life.

When they got to the cafeteria, they got their lunch and sat down at a table. They were with Pidge and someone Keith hasn't met. It looked like... Her boyfriend? He was a big guy and was only a bit shorter than Lance. "Hey Hunk, this is Keith." Pidge said to Hunk introducing them. "Hey yo!" Hunk say putting his hand out to Keith. Keith shook his hand, not saying anything. Hunk looked intimidating, but was actually a big softie. "FYI" Lance said to Keith. "They are dating, they are soulmates...." Keith looked at Lance when he said that. He looks kind of jealous of them.... Maybe I should tell him... Keith thought. No... He will just be disappointed... He probably doesn't even wanna be my friend.
Keith nodded after Lance told him that. Keith didn't talk the rest of lunch and just listened to music, while the other three talked about their summers.

After more introductions of teachers and kids introducting themselves, the day was finally over. Keith, Lance, Hunk, and Pidge all said their goodbyes and headed to their busses.

When Lance got home his older sister asked him all sorts of questions. But there was one that Lance paid attention to when she asked. "I saw you with a guy, was he your soulmate?" His sisyer Sofia asked. "No..." he responded sounding a bit disappointed. "I just have all my classes with him." His sister saw the disappointment in his eyes. "Well he sure was cute. Plus didn't you say you don't know his name or what he looks like?" She asked, trying to see if she was correct. "Thats true..." Lance responded. "I mean, he is really cute, you know I have a weakness for badass looking people. " Lance confessed. "Maybe luck will be on your side." Sofia said. "Highly doubt that." Lance said. He then went to his room and started texting his "mystery" soulmate.

"Hey, if you saw me in school you would go up to me and tell me right?" Lance texted. "Of course, but I didn't see you" Keith lied. "Oh ok... Good" Lance texted back. Lance put his phone down and then took a nap.

(1120 words)

Wow thats the most I've ever written. Anyways, sorry if some of you people don't ship Pidge and Hunk, but I do and this is my fanfiction. But Punk is really cute. BUT ALSO ITS FINALLY A LONG CHAPTER! But im DEFINITELY not proof reading this cause that would take FOREVER and im lazy anyways byyeeeeeeee :3

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