Chapter 14: Faker

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When I got in the car, I could feel how tense it was. It was like a wave of it crashed on to me.

"Um, are you okay Allura?" I asked cautiously.

Her voice was filled with anger. "Of course I'm fine, Keith!"

"Okay... Sorry..." I apologized.

The car was silent for the rest of the ride.


When we got out of the car, she slammed the door so hard that she cracked the window a tad bit.

" I've never seen her this angry..." I thought.

When I walked inside the house, I saw Shiro on couch with pillows and blankets.

"What did you do?" I asked.

"We'll tell you later..." He said. He looked like he was about to cry.


I then went up into my room and flopped on my bed.

I checked the time.


I decided that it was best to go to bed early.

I changed into my pajamas and then got onto my bed. I hugged and cuddled with my hippo that Lance won me, and tried to fall asleep.

But something loud was coing from Shiro's and Allura's bedroom. They we're definitally arguing.

Then it sounded like someone punched a wall.

Got out of bed and creaked the door open so I could try to make out the words.


"I'm sorry I just-" Shiro started to say before getting cut off my Allura.

"SORRY IS NOT GONNA CUT IT, TAKASHI!" She yelled. "You have 2 weeks to move out. Then, Keith can decide who he want to live with." She then marched up stairs and I shut the door quickly.

I scrambled back to my bed, hugging my hippo.

I didn't sleep that night.



When I saw Keith at school, he didn't look so good.

He looked tired, frusturated, and confused.

"Are you okay?" I asked him.

"I just didn't sleep good..." He said.

I didn't believe it, but I just dropped the subject, and we headed to class early.


At lunch, Keith barely spoke at lunch.

"You okay Keith?" Hunk asked.

"Fine." He said.

The rest of lunch was silent.



When Keith got home, he grabbed a soda from the kitchen and sat down at the table.

Then, Allura and Shiro came down stairs, and went to Keith.

"Keith, we- well, I need to tell you something..." Shiro said.

Keith glanced at him but the looked away.

Shiro sighed. "I... I faked being Alluras soulmate..." He said.

Keith spit out his soda. He wasn't expecting that.

(435 words)

I was gonna make this longer but cliff hangers are better.

Also can someone come up with a better name for this chapter 😅

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