Chapter 10: Wheel of Horrors

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"I felt so awkward after asking that... Maybe I shouldn't have.." I thought to myself. I looked at Keith amd he seemed fine so I pushed the thought out of my mind.

We were walked past the Ferris Wheel again. I looked at Keith, "Wanna go on the Ferris Wheel?" I asked. His eyes said "no", but he said "Sure." I didn't believe that he wanted to go on, but we still went on.

I gave the worker some tickets and we went into a basket on the wheel.  Surprisingly, his hippo fit on with us, we even still had some room.

As we were slowly going up, I could see that Keith was nervous. "Are you scared of heights?" I asked. "...Maybe just a bit..." Keith said. "Umm... Here, just look at me and don't focus on how high up we are." I said, trying to make him feel better. "Okay..." He said.

He just kept on looking at me, it kinda creeped me out, but it was also kinda cute because he was like a little kid.


It felt... weird staring at him. He looked uncomfortable at me staring at him.

Without even thinking, I scooted closer to him and leaned on him. I immediately regretted it, but Lance didn't seem to mind.

We were just sitting in silence until we reached the top.

"Hey, Keith?" I looked up at him. "Yea...?" I was kinda scared of what he was about to say or do, but I concealed my panic and worrying.

"Isn't the view pretty?" He asked me. I looked away from him. "Wow it's beautiful." I said. "It's the second most beautiful thing I've seen." I turned to him. "What's the most beautiful thing then?" I asked.

"You." he said.

I blushed.

He then got closer to me and started to lean in. I almost did too.


I wanted to, but stopped myself...

"He is probably just gonna change his soulmate later in life and leave me. Look at me... Im just a stupid guy with a mullet..." I thought to my self, convincing myself it was true.

I then pushed his face back with my hand. He looked confused. I said the first thing that came to my mind. "I'm not that easy."

That was true, I wasn't that easy to get but that wasn't the whole truth.

"Then I'll just keep trying." He said with a smirk on his face.


We talked about random stuff for the rest of the ride and then got off.

At the end of the night, we played most of the games and rides. We also got some food.

When we were done, Lance texted his mom to see when she was gonna pick him up, since he said she would pick him up at 8, and it was 8:15.

Turns out, his little brother had a dance recital that she forgot about. So, Lance was gonna stay at my place and pick him up later.

We got in Shiro"s car since Allura decided he would pick me (and spontaneously, Lance) up.

I looked at Shiro in confusion. "Why is your hair white?" I asked.

"Allura had extra hair dye and put it on me while I was asleep..." He said quickly.

Me and Lance both laughed.

(555 words)

I know this chapter is short but the next one will be longer. Also did I get you with that "kiss scene"? Tell me, I'm a curious person. Also, I tried to include some season 6 stuff. I don't know how well I succeeded, BUT I DID IT! Anyways, thats it, byeeeeeeeeee :3

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