Ch. 14

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Laf's POV:

     School is done and it's Thursday night and I'm just finishing my packing.  I haven't seen anyone since the last day of school and it's been weird.  

     I get my last things in my suit case which is freaking huge, I'm pretty sure I could fit in it, but we are going to be there for about three months.  I get the stuff set up and I lay out my clothes for the plane tomorrow.  I don't really want to tell everyone but I am honestly terrified of planes.  Ever since I had to leave Idaho I've hated planes.

     I get done and I lay down to go to sleep.  

     I get up the next morning and put on my clothes and grab my stuff.  I run out of my room cause I hear the door bell ring, I open the door.  Herc stands in the doorway and I throw myself in his arms "I missed you" I whisper in his ear.  He giggles "I missed you too" he says with a smile "you ready?" he asks looking over at my stuff.  I look over my stuff "ya, I think I'm all set" he nods his head and he goes over and grabs my bags.  

     I blush a little, holy crap he has muscles.  We walk out to the car and get in "ya! We're going to Europe!!" says Peggy excitedly.  I giggle "we're going Europe!!!" I say getting into the car.

     We drive and has we get closer to the air port my nails start to dig into my arm while I stare out the window staring off into space.  I could hear everyone talking but couldn't tell what they were saying, then I feel Herc touch my shoulder "Laf?  Are you ok?" I look up at him "oh, um, I'm fine" I say unconvincingly.  Herc tilts his head then he looks down at my nails in my arm "Laf?! What's wrong?" he asks concerned.

     I take my hand away from my arm as Herc rubs the red nail marks on my arm "I... I'm kinda scared of planes" I say getting quieter as I talk.  His eyes get softer and more concerned as I talk "Laf, it's ok, I'll be hear I will help you through it" he says with a soft smile.  

     I look up at him with a smile "thanks" I say quietly.  Everyone goes back to their conversations trying to cheer me up.

     As we pull up to the air port I look up at the building with wide eyes.  Herc holds my hand "it's ok, I'm here, your going to be ok" I smile at him and we walk in.

     As we get on the plane I close my eyes holding tight onto Herc's hand.  We walk on and I open my eyes.  Holy crap, it's a private plane "no way" I say with wide eyes.  Angelica walks on and holds out her arms to show us the plane "you guys this is our very own private plane."  

     We get on the plane and settle down in our own seats.  Alex and John sit next to each other, Eliza and Maria sit next to each other, and Peggy and Angelica sit next to each other as me and Herc sit down putting on the head phones to the T.V.  

     He holds my hand the whole time until after awhile I fall sleep.

     I wake up to Herc shaking my shoulder lightly "hey Laf, we're in London" he says quietly.  I sit up and look out the window to see the huge beautiful city of London.

     We all walk off the plane "ok, so what do we want to do first?" says Eliza as we walk off.  I smile a little "ok, you guys I'm sorry, but I'm a total nerd and I was wondering if we could see 221b Baker Street?!" I say with a smile.  Everyone giggles "ya, we could do that" says Angelica with a giggle.  I jump up and down with a squeal.

     We drive through London and I take so many pictures, I can't even tell you how many.  We drive and I see the door that the very own Benedict Cumberbatch walked through, I squeal so loud I think everyone was deaf afterwords.

     We jump out of the car and there was a little line but not as bad as I thought it would be.  We all go to the line but I run ahead with a huge smile.

     As we move through the line I get more and more excited, finally we get to the door.  I walk up to it slowly and I hug the door "I can't believe I'm here" I say almost to tears.  Everyone laughs at me and takes pictures of me hugging the door "hey guys take my phone and get a picture of me, also get the address in there to" I say giving John my phone.

     After awhile we all got our pictures and left.  We traveled around for another couple of hours then went to the hotel.  When we get to the hotel and walk into the freaking suite and I plug in my phone cause it was almost dead.  I text my sister the pictures of me at 221b Baker Street, and I see she looks at it but she doesn't answer.  I giggle, that's my sister right there for you.  This was a good day in London.

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