Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to Liam Jackson

This story is dedicated to a close and childhood friend who at only 18 tragically lost his life in a freak car crash. It reminds us that life is short, so make the most of every day. :)

This story does contain violence and coarse language.

---Chapter 1---

"Hey darling, can you pass me the torque wrench?" A man in his mid thirties asked, he was working under a car up on a hoist and was just finishing up by putting the wheels back on.

"Of course, here dad," a girl, around seventeen said as she appeared from underneath another car and handed it to her father. Both of them had the same golden brown hair and sparkling blue eyes, it was fairly easy to tell that they were related.

The dad thanked his daughter taking the torque wench before she went back under the car refitting all the fireproof matting around the engine.

He grabbed the front left and lined up the studs before placing the wheel on the hub and putting the nuts on. He loved his little girl so much, he'd taught her everything there was to know about cars and she had hung onto every word.

The girl rolled out from under the car before climbing off the floor creeper and picking up all her tools. She knew her dad hated mess; he had particular places for everything. She placed the tools back on the shadow board and then grabbed a couple of spanners so that she could do up the battery and then check the alarm.

Once that was done she shut the bonnet and then went and washed her hands. Another thing her dad didn't like when working on the outside or inside of the car, dirty hands. He hated it when people got stains or marks on the paint or interior. She pulled off her dirty overalls, revealing a tanned, toned body clad in short ripped denim shorts and a tank top.

As her dad dropped down the other car she climbed into the one she had been working on and turned the ignition making sure all the accessories worked before firing up the engine. It started straight away and she let it warm up a bit to get the thermostat open before she revved it up, getting any dirt that might be in the carburetor out. She killed the engine after that and had a quick check on the floor to make sure nothing was leaking before she popped the hood and checked under there as well.

The workshop they were in was relatively large and had enough room for three cars on hoists, one end of the workshop was blocked off by a large blue tarpaulin and the other housed the office and kitchen area.

"Looks good Sienna, I'm proud of you," her dad said coming to give her a hug.

"Thanks dad, yours doesn't look too bad either," she laughed looking over at the shiny blue Porsche waiting to be driven.

He ruffled her hair smiling at her, "Park it over in the normal spot, Jason will be here soon to pick it up," as he then went back to finishing off the Porsche.

He'd been extremely busy lately. Jason had been dropping off a lot of cars, all of which had been dented or scratched which meant a lot of time and effort needed to be put in to make them look good again. The cars looked immaculate when he was finished but even with Sienna here almost every day after school and weekends to help him they were only just keeping up.

There were three others parked in the corner of the shed ready to go and Sienna went and parked the blue Maserati she'd been working on over by the others before climbing out and locking it. She hung the keys on the board beside the roller door and then carefully shut it so that anyone passing by wouldn't see the cars. It would raise questions and they didn't need that.

The two of them then dropped the Porsche down and did a last check over of the car before starting it up and running it in. She loved cars, it was in her blood. It wasn't common knowledge though, hardly anyone knew about it. And even less people knew about the record she had.

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