Chapter 22

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---Chapter 22---

"Watch it man, that door cost me a grand," Drake said pissed as Wayne stepped through followed by a couple of his guys.

"Shut up you little prick, does it look like I give a shit?" he said angrily as he made his way over to the table.

"Watch your mouth old man, he's one of us," Chase said getting pissed as he stood up from his chair. Sienna stood up too and went around beside him to back him up as all the other boys got themselves sorted.

"If it isn't the dead kid? You know, you should've just stayed dead," Wayne said as he stepped closer to Chase.

"You have nothing over me anymore, leave before any of your boys get hurt or killed," Chase said calmly.

"Like hell! I came here to teach you two little old lovebirds not to mess with me," he growled as he pushed Chase's shoulder making him step back to balance himself.

"Don't touch me," Chase said calmly again before he stood up to Wayne. They were close to the same height however Chase had about a centimeter on Wayne.

"What are you going to do about it kid, you're still the little shit I threw around years ago, nothing's changed," Wayne smirked before taking a hard, well aimed punch right into his sternum causing the wind to be knocked out of him. As he was keeled over in pain all the other boys had moved so that their guns were positioned by his members heads ready to pull the trigger. Sienna stood beside Chase and watched and waited until she was needed.

"See, you always seem to forget, that little kid has learnt how to fight back. You piece of shit," Chase whispered before kicking his stomach and then pulling his gun out and placing it on top of Wayne's slightly bald head.

"What do you want Wayne?" he asked waiting for a response. "I could kill you right now, end your pathetic life and save me the hassle so I'm giving you one chance to speak up," he continued still waiting.

Sienna was watching and saw the slight change in his back muscles signifying that he was about to move. She could almost see what he was planning. As he went to jump up she came up behind him and threw her arm around his neck pulling back and holding her forearm against his windpipe so that he couldn't breathe properly. Thanks to her involvement Chase caught the punch easily before throwing one of his own at Wayne's face. He watched as his nose began pouring out blood and sat at a crooked angle.

"Speak up Wayne," Chase said smirking slightly.

"Fuck you," he spat before he tried to flip Sienna over his body. It didn't quite work and before he got her off the ground she jumped pushing herself over and then catching his feet and landing him on the ground again.

While Sienna and Chase dealt with Wayne all of his boys had tried to get free as well. "Knock them out," Drake said as he held his guy against the side of the house with his hand around the guys throat. He waited until the guy actually fell unconscious before he dropped him and then tied his hands and feet.

Wayne looked up to see that the stupid girl had managed to drop him again. He was beyond pissed. It was so bad for his reputation. "He's all yours Chase," She said before slamming her foot down on his stomach and abdomen winding him again before pulling out a chair and sitting down with a drink in her hand.

"You know what Wayne. I think that you deserve to know what it felt like to be me. Every scar I have, you're going to have after this," Chase said harshly as he pulled out the blade and stabbed Wayne in the side of his abdomen above his hip. He didn't hit any organs but it caused Wayne to whimper in pain.

"This is just the start Wayne, you gave me many scars," Chase said before dragging the blade across the front of his collarbone.

Sienna watched as the guys slowly tied up all the Black Cobra members. She knew what Chase was going to do so she left him to it. They didn't want to kill anyone, if they did then it was just messy for them. Tyler decided to start piling the bodies into one of Drake's vans so that they could drop them off in the middle of no where. They slowly started carrying unconscious men out through the house before two of Drake's guys took them to drop them on the side of the highway.

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