Chapter 15

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---Chapter 15--- 

Tyler pushed the door open when they got to the top and then waltzed on in with Sienna and Aaron behind him. He headed straight for the fridge while Aaron went for the cupboard. Sienna on the other hand went over to Liam and hugged him. "He wasn't too much of a dick was he?" she asked looking over at Chase who was out to it on the couch.  

"He was ok. We sorted some stuff out. I don't care about that though, are you ok? I'm guessing you didn't get him?" Liam asked as she sat on his lap and he wound his arms around her waist.  

"Almost, but not quite. We could've still taken him but like I said to Tyler, he would've been shot at the moment he went to climb on the bike and he had no protection, if it had hit him it could've been fatal," Sienna explained before leaning forward and lifting the blanket up so that it was over Chase and to check that the wound hadn't been bleeding too much. The gauze still looked clean so she replaced the blanket before turning around and kissing Liam.  

"Yuck, save it for the bedroom," Tyler said as he walked in and sat on the other couch.  

"I seem to remember a time where the bathroom counter was perfectly acceptable," Sienna said thoughtfully before chuckling at Tyler's expression.  

"That was between us Angel," he said as he just stared at her a little shocked.  

"We're back!" Nate and Zane yelled as they walked into the apartment.  

"Shut up idiots, boss is asleep!" Tyler whisper yelled as they suddenly looked very guilty and went deadly silent.  

"I take it we didn't pull it off?" Zane asked sadly noticing that Kieran wasn't around. 

"Sorry bro, we were close but I didn't want to risk his life," Sienna explained as she stood up from Liam's arms and pulled Zane into a hug. "I will get him back, I promise," Sienna told him as he just nodded silently.  

"I think we need to start planning. First off, I need the blueprints for the prison. We need to get our hands on those, we can go from there," Tyler said taking charge as he waved everyone into the other lounge which was hardly ever used.  

They all followed him robotically as he ushered them in. He started shuffling through some papers as the others took a seat. He must have found what he wanted because he smiled triumphantly.  

"The master plans are in an old archives file which is in the basement of the museum. The file also has the updated prints of any modifications in it," Tyler explained as he jumped onto the computer chair and spun around bringing something up on the TV screen.  

"Who's up for stealing some information?" Tyler asked as he looked over his family and Liam.  

"I'll do it," Zane said immediately. He would do anything that would mean Kieran could get out of prison alive.  

"Me and Zane can do it," Sienna said nodding at Zane to show that she understood.  

"Nate, Aaron, you're with me. We will get everything ready for these guys so that once we have the blueprints we can just scan them in and then we'll be ready to roll," Tyler said as he threw them both a tablet which they caught.  

"Liam, you're babysitting," Tyler said laughing as he imagined Boss as a baby.  

"Yay," Liam said with no enthusiasm.  

"You'll be fine, love you," Sienna told him as she worked on a plan to get into the museum.  

"I wanted to talk to you sometime when you're not busy, love you too," Liam said as Sienna nodded. They could talk once Zane and her had gotten the blueprints. Once they had those she'd have a couple of free hours where she could talk to him.  

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