Chapter 39

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---Chapter 39---

Sienna couldn't keep the smile off her face. Zane was awake, and he talked to her! She was ecstatic, "Kieran, we have to get home!" she said happily hugging him and then dragging him back to the car.

It was like a dream come true, she was just so glad he was awake and ok. She yanked open the door jumping in and taking off with a huge smile on her face.

The other boys were just a little frightened by the way she took off and the creepily happy smile on her face. Chase was going to ask but decided against it as he figured they'd find out soon enough.

He was right, within half an hour they were pulling into the driveway of the beach house.

Sienna pulled the handbrake on as soon as they stopped moving and then sprinted inside, she had to see for herself that he was awake and well.

She pushed his bedroom door open to see Connor and Zane talking to each other. She couldn't keep the smile off her face as she ran over and hugged him. She was so glad that he was alive.

"I'm not going anywhere Si," he laughed hugging her back.

"I was so worried that you wouldn't wake up," she explained hugging him again, making sure he was really there.

"You should of known I would," he smiled seeing the other boys walk in the door, each one stepped inside until Kieran was the only one left outside.

"Did you not get him?" Zane asked sadly, noticing his brother hadn't followed them in.

"I missed you bro," Kieran said beaming as he walked in like he owned the place.

"What did you do to your hair?" Zane asked seeing the bleach blonde.

"Disguise," Kieran shrugged before coming over and standing beside the bed where Sienna was sitting.

"Good to have you back bro," Zane said as Kieran gave him a one armed hug.

"It's good to be back," he nodded, "Now where's that steak?"


After all the boys had their steaks Kieran went and spent a bit more time with Zane catching up on what he'd missed. Chase went into the office and sorted out some more business deals while Tyler worked on their firewalls and protection.

Sienna had decided that since it was such a warm night that she would sit on the beach. It gave her a chance to think about everything that was going on and what she planned on doing.

"Why are you out here alone?"

"It's relaxing, peaceful. Helps me think," she replied looking over at the guy who dropped down to sit beside her.

"I missed this, the space, freedom, it's nice to see it again," he explained glancing over at Sienna.

"I'm sorry about the way I left, I would understand if you hated me for it. Yet you've been the best friend I could ask for, even after I left the way I did," Sienna said waiting for his rejection.

"That was a spur of the moment thing Si, I didn't even know what I was saying until I said it," he started as Sienna nodded she felt her chest constrict at his words, her heart breaking.

"I get it, you didn't really mean it, it's fine," she said closing her eyes and trying so hard not to cry.

"You didn't let me finish," he laughed, "I didn't even realise until after I said that just how truthful I had been. I never stopped thinking about you all the time you were gone. I meant what I said," he finished seriously waiting for her reaction.

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