Chapter 24

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A close friend of mine lost his dad in a tragic motorbike accident recently. My thoughts are with him and his family as they get through this tough time. Once again, it re-iterates life is short, have no regrets remember to tell your parents just how much they mean to you.

---Chapter 24---

Sienna was having a great time with Connor, Finn and Josh, they were easy to talk to and once they got past the first stage it was smooth sailing.

Her phone started ringing and so she pulled it out of her pocket and checked to see that it was Zane calling.

"You heading off?" she asked him.

"Yeah, I'll text you where I end up. Aaron will do the same. Have a good night," he said before hanging up. She just smiled knowing that Zane would let her know where he ended up. He always did.

They went back to all talking after that for a good few hours before Connor decided that he was tired and he and Sienna headed through the club and out the back to his upstairs apartment. They walked in and he locked the door before turning around and seeing Sienna already flopped out on the bed.

"Move over," he said as he pushed her over playfully.

"Could you give me something to wear?" she asked him realizing that she had completely forgotten to bring anything else with her.

"Here's an old shirt and some boxers," he said as he pulled them out of his drawer and passed them to her.

"Thanks for letting me stay Connor," she smiled taking the clothes and then going into the bathroom.

Connor just stripped off and got changed before climbing into his bed and then flicking off the lights. Sienna walked out of the bathroom a couple of minutes later and then walked over to the bed which she could just make out through the darkness.

"How are you holding up?" Connor asked her wanting to make sure she was truly ok. She'd been through a lot and he was worried about her.

"I'm fine, it's just taking time to get used to not having him around. It's hard at night especially, being so used to having him beside me and then now not having anyone. Tyler stayed with me for a few nights," she explained trying to hold herself together as she talked about Liam.

"You know you can always come here. I don't usually have anyone stay so you're more than welcome to turn up," he told her as he pulled her into a hug. She didn't stop him. She let him hug her, she had begun to appreciate things like hugs a lot more. You never knew when it would be last one you get.

"Just don't forget about him, that's all he would want. Just for you to never forget him, you have to move on but don't forget," Connor told her as he tried to help. He hadn't ever lost anyone that close to him. His family were all still alive so he didn't understand how she was feeling but he was trying too.

"I won't forget him. I can't, he was going to propose to me Connor. How can I forget something like that? It's hard for me to even grasp the fact that he wanted to ask me. I'm not exactly the greatest person. There are so many other chicks out there that wouldn't have ever got Liam into this world. He would still be alive if he hadn't chosen to be with me," she said as she felt a few tears fall from the corner of her eyes.

"That's the thing Si, he chose to be with you. He knew what you were, and yet he still wanted to be with you. That was his choice, you didn't force him to be with you. So don't beat yourself up about it. It's not your fault," he explained as he felt her tears landing on his chest.

She didn't know what to say, any excuse she made up he just disregarded and tried to make her feel better. She stayed where she was thinking about what had happened before finally falling asleep.

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