Chapter 35

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---Chapter 35---

Kieran woke with an almost nagging feeling in the pit of his stomach, like it was trying to tell him something. He brushed it off however as he rolled over onto the floor and started his morning routine.

He was bubbling with excitement, only three more days until he would be free of this place. He just couldn't wait, to be able to see his family again is what he was looking forward to the most. He missed the boys, especially Zane, and then there was Sienna too.

He hadn't stopped thinking about her, he was imagining the plan and how it would go down, he just had to make sure he played his part well.

He finished just as the guard brought his breakfast to him, soggy bread, and soggy cereal. To be completely honest he didn't want to know what it was, he simply closed his eyes and swallowed it. It was better than starving to death.

After breakfast he lay back down in his cot and allowed himself to just dream. His thoughts always came back to one central thing, the girl with golden hair and the most intriguing blue eyes.


Sienna woke up lying on the couch where she had slept all last night in Zane's room. She almost wanted to slap him just to get him to wake up. It was driving her insane. She might not be a qualified doctor but she knew enough and just hoped that he would be alright after all the blood loss. She stretched feeling all her joints groaning in protest before rolling off the couch and checking the drip and the heart rate monitor.

She took his blood pressure seeing that it was a little low and just hoped it would come up again as he woke up. When she held his hand she could feel how weak it was. It scared her to see him so sick. She didn't know what she'd do if he didn't make it. How would she live with herself? How could she tell Kieran?

She didn't even want to consider it. Zane would be ok, he had to be ok. She told herself this trying to convince herself to believe it. She needed to see his carefree smile again, it would make her feel so much better.

"I'm going out," she told Nate and Aaron who were sitting at the bar eating breakfast.

"Where you going?" Nate asked swallowing his half chewed food.

"To see Connor," she replied before leaving them with no other explanation.

Nate and Aaron both looked at each other before rushing up the stairs to check that nothing had happened to Zane. They understood what she meant, she was going to stay with Connor, she couldn't handle seeing Zane in that state any longer.

They made sure he was fine and also found instructions which she had left them. They made sure to follow them before heading back down to their breakfast and to ring Connor and warn him.


"Connor, just pour me a drink," Sienna pleaded as he shook his head.

"You've had five already, that's more than enough. I finish soon and then we can go up stairs and you can sleep or whatever," he explained while he dusted glasses.

"Pwease?" she asked fluttering her eyelashes and giving him the puppy dog face.

"No, now just sit there and stay quiet," he replied before placing the glass rather forcefully on the shelf almost breaking it.

"If you won't serve me, I'll go elsewhere," she sang grabbing her keys and standing up.

"Here, drink up," he caved handing her over a drink which she happily sat back down and began to swallow.

Connor only gave her the drink so that she wouldn't leave and try to drive drunk, he knew she could handle her alcohol really well but in her state of mind he didn't want her leaving his sight.

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