Chapter 10

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---Chapter 10---

It took a good hour for them all to reach the dealership and once they did Tyler immediately pulled out his tablet and started typing, cutting the feeds to all the cameras and then heading over to the gates with Aaron and Zane to start opening them up.

"Need a boost?" Kieran asked Sienna as she gripped the spikes on top of the fence.

"Nope, just hurry up," She replied pulling herself up and then balancing on top before dropping herself down on the other side.

She looked back at the gate to see Kieran had gotten the edge of his shirt stuck on the one of the spikes and Nate was stuck half way up. She went over and gave Nate a boost helping him get over. He unhooked Kieran's shirt before the two of them dropped to the ground.

They ran across the yard silently ducking around in the shadows before Kieran picked the lock on the door. It unlatched and Sienna checked to see that the alarm system had definitely been cut before they slipped inside. They went over to the reception straight away and ripped the roller gate up breaking the lock before jumping over the desk. Tyler had killed the mains to the building now so it was quite dark. The only light coming in was through the glass windows in the showroom. Sienna found the SD card and pulled it out leaving no trace of them before she grabbed the keys to the Enzo, Italia and a couple of others. She handed the keys over to Kieran keeping the Italia for herself. Nate and Kieran had gotten the showroom doors open already and the other boys were heading toward them.

Headlights could be seen pulling up against the curb outside and Kieran freaked.

"Chill, it's Jase," Sienna said as she motioned for them to get in the cars. Around ten guys came running up the driveway and Sienna pointed out the keys that she had left on the floor for them. Each one grabbed a set before all them including Sienna climbed into the cars.

They all made their way out of the yard in an orderly fashion before taking off in different directions. They were home free until Sienna realized that Kieran had pulled off his bag and left it by the fence they jumped over.

"Where the hell are you going!" Tyler yelled through the earpiece.

"Saving Kieran's butt, he left his bag by the fence," Sienna explained quickly as she heard Tyler curse before Kieran swore too.

"I'm sorry Angel, I completely forgot," Kieran apologized.

"As long as I don't get caught were sweet," she said pulling back up into the street she parked around the corner and locked the car before carefully making her way over to the fence using the shadows. The owner guy was on the phone standing by the reception obviously calling the police. She spotted the bag and made a dash for it managing to grab it just before he looked in her direction.

"Hurry up, they will have gotten away by now!" he yelled. Sienna silently moved through the shadows making her way back around to the car. She unlocked it and climbed in just as sirens and flashing blue and red lights could be seen.

She started the car and was really thankful that it was black. She didn't turn her lights on and headed away from the sirens trying not to rev the engine too much and attract attention. Once she was in the clear a mile away from the yard she flicked her lights on and then drove back to the hotel making sure she used the back roads.

"I thought you got caught! I'm so sorry, it was a foolish mistake," Kieran said as soon as she had parked the car in the garage.

"Don't worry about it. Here's your bag," she said as she threw it to him. Having the cops right there had her adrenalin pumping even harder. It was such a rush and she loved it. Kieran hugged her tightly squeezing her, trying to show how thankful he was. She put her life on the line for him. That was not something he would let go of lightly.

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