Chapter 4

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---Chapter 4--- 

After the weekend she'd had Sienna felt like punching something. They'd worked hard on the Mustang but it still wasn't ready. The dash and wiring had taken a day and the engine wasn't half built yet. Sienna could see her dad starting to get tired but every time she offered to go home he would deny it and push harder.

She didn't want to go to school and when she did, she knew exactly why she didn't want to go in the first place. Teachers droning in, girls screeching, guys fighting, and noise, everywhere. She left half way through the day and went down to her dads shop. He was there with Scott, working on cars. Sienna just walked in and grabbed some tools before heading over to the Mustang and working on it.  

Steven didn't say anything, he could see that Sienna was stressed out and that wasn't what he had wanted. He didn't have much longer left, maybe a month if he was lucky. He intended to live it to the fullest.  

Sienna grabbed the front seat and worked it into the car before bolting it all up. She needed something to do, to take her mind off things. She looked over the engine as she was grabbing a spanner and couldn't resist. It needed to get done and it was just sitting there. She tightened the bolts on the seat and then stood up and went over to the engine. She picked up the head and set up the valve springs ready to put them in.  

After that day Sienna was a lot more relaxed, she tried to spend more time with her dad, she could tell he was getting a lot worse. He had bags under his eyes and wasn't keeping food down very well. He still refused to tell her though. The prom was tonight and he planned to tell her after that as it would mean that she could enjoy her one night without worrying about him. 

Sienna had been hounded the last week by a lot of guys all asking her to prom, she said no and told them she was going with Liam but it didn't stop them. When Friday finally came around she didn't know what to do. She had a dress that Ellie had helped pick out for her but she could see her dad was rapidly deteriorating. He'd tried to pass it off as 'man flu'. She knew better though and really didn't want to leave him on his own tonight.  

"Dad, are you sure? I can stay and look after you, it's no biggy." Sienna said as she watched her dad making himself a lemon drink, like it was going to help, she thought rolling her eyes.  

"I'll be fine, I'm feeling a bit better, I might go down to the workshop ok, you just have fun." he told her as he ruffled her hair.  

"Ok dad." Sienna sighed defeated, she knew he wouldn't let her stay. He was just as stubborn as her. Maybe she could just come home after prom and not go to the after party. Who was she kidding? If she didn't go all hell would break loose. She decided that she'd go but not for long. She could turn up and then head home to see her dad as soon as she could.  

She went down the hall to her room and changed out of the towel into a strapless bra and undies. After that she straightened her hair and then pulled it to one side, letting it all fall loosely over her shoulder. She took a piece of hair from in front of her ear and twisted it before pinning it back over the sleek golden brown hair she had, holding the loose ponytail in place. She fixed her side fringe and then applied some make up which Ellie had given her just for tonight.  

Once done she smiled at herself in the mirror. She'd never actually done make up before so she hoped it looked ok. She stepped into her dress after that, a light blue boob tube which had a ruffled piece around the bust before going skin tight and then falling straight with a split in it up the side. She then pulled on the heels Ellie had leant her and walked down to show her dad.  

Steven was amazed when he saw Sienna, she looked like a princess and he almost cried in happiness as she stood in the doorway to the lounge.  

"You look amazing darling," he told her pushing himself off the couch and then hugging her. "Photos!" he said happily grabbing the camera.  

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