Chapter 18

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---Chapter 18--- 

Sienna got off the phone with Troy knowing that she would get the info easily. He'd settled on having a street race, winner got the info, shame he didn't know her other identity. She went and handed Connor his phone before heading into the bathroom and running herself a bath. She stepped into the hot water and lay down as all the memories and thoughts of Liam that she had been pushing to the back of her mind broke free and flooded her vision.  

She cried for a long time as she remembered silly little things like the creek they went swimming in once as children. All those things made her smile and she was happy until she remembered that they were forever going to be a memory. She'd never have the chance to create any more so she held onto the ones that had been made and silently tucked them away where she would always remember them.  

She climbed out of the bath after noticing it had gone cold and wrapped a towel around herself before heading for her bedroom. Most of the boys were already in bed. She had to make up two on the couch as there were only two double beds and two single ones. Tyler had offered to stay with her like he had the last few nights. She had nightmares where she was in the car with Liam or she was in the other car and they always left her sweating and breathing heavily. She pulled on a nightgown before climbing into bed beside Tyler and then facing away from him.  

"Night Angel," he whispered knowing she would hear him.  

"Night Ty," she whispered back before closing her eyes and drifting off to sleep.  

She woke in the morning to find that she had a dreamless sleep last night and she was glad. She stretched, yawning before rolling out of bed, leaving Tyler who was sound asleep. She walked out to the kitchen to find that Connor was sitting at the counter with a pile of toast on his plate. He smiled as he handed her a piece and then bit into another of his own.  

"Thanks Connor," Sienna said gratefully as she bit into the toast. It didn't take long for all the other guys to be up and awake too. Once they had all eaten and were dressed for the day Sienna took them all to the cemetery to see Liam's headstone one last time before they went home.  

Sienna and Chase led the way in her Mustang before Tyler and the boys and Connor taking up the rear. They parked their cars under the trees and then all slowly walked through the cemetery to find Liam's grave. It was a simple marble headstone with his name and dates engraved. Underneath was what made tears well up in Sienna's eyes again. 'Loved son of Renee and Darren, future husband of Sienna'  

After she and the boys were done she walked further over to the right as she went to find her families graves. The boys all followed, none of them except Connor really knowing where she was going.  

She stopped in front of a row of three headstones two white marble ones for her brother and mother and the black marble one beside that for her father. She knelt down and closed her eyes as she silently thanked her parents for everything they did for her. She wished she had gotten to know her brother and she felt more tears stream down her cheeks as she thought of the four people she had seen today, all of them so special to her.  

Chase gave his respects to Steven not having known he was dead until seeing the headstone. He couldn't believe it, and now he understood why it had affected Sienna so much. She lost every family member she had, he couldn't grasp that concept but his heart went out to her.  

As she stood up she wiped her tears before turning to the boys. "I just want to show Boss something," she said gesturing for Chase to follow her.  

He did while the rest of the boys started to head back to the car.  

"What are you showing me?" he asked confused as he followed her as she walked through the headstones.  

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