Chapter 32

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---Chapter 32---

"Right, each of you takes one of these. When you get to the car, place this against the glass and then press the green button. It will hack the signal unlocking the doors. Then you take the key and place it in the ignition, it will automatically replicate the correct one. It will beep and then you can turn the key and the car will start. Drive back here following the route that the GPS tells you, do not break any rules and be careful," Sienna explained to all the boys who were standing in front of her.

"And one last thing, if you get into trouble, press the blue button and someone will come and find you," she finished before stepping aside to let Jase talk to them.

"They better not stuff up, they've got the easy part," Chase said as Sienna stood beside him and Tyler.

"All they have to do is stand back and let technology do it for them. We have to actually know what we're doing," Zane said as they grouped up.

"So, Zane, you've got the Mustang, Nate, the Firebird, Chase, the Trans-Am and I've got the Impala, Tyler you're dropping us off and watching the others progress," Sienna double checked making sure they got it.

They all nodded before Jase interrupted their chat, "My boys are ready to go, can they head out now?" he asked coming over to see what they were doing.

"Yup, send them out, make sure that the containers and the trucks are ready for them," Tyler said as he pulled out his tablet and started logging stuff into it.

"We'll see you soon Uncle Jase," Sienna said as they all climbed into the Pathfinder. Chase drove while Tyler watched what the others were doing and making sure they were on the right track. Their closest car was at least fourty five minutes away whereas some of the others were closer.

"I'm sexy and I know it!" Nate sung while joining in with the radio, that then caused a chain reaction where the other two also started singing and then trying to do the dance, minus ripping the clothes off.

"I wonder what Aaron's up too?" Sienna asked thinking aloud. Nate must have heard her because the next thing she knew he had the radio turned down and had his phone on speaker ringing Aaron.

"What!?" Aaron hissed into the phone as he answered.

"We just wanted to see what you were doing? How was dinner?" he asked casually trying to keep a straight face.

"Are you fucking serious? You want to know about dinner? I'm in the fucking middle of it!" he whisper yelled, the others couldn't help but chuckle at his tone. Whereas Nate was trying his absolute best not to laugh.

"Baby, who are you talking too?" a woman asked on the other end.

"No one important, they don't deserve my time," he said before turning back to the phone.  

"You better not ring me again unless one of you idiots is dying, got it?" he asked quietly.

"Yeah we got it, didn't we?" Nate asked as the others all agreed.

"Ill see you when you get back, don't ring me again," he said before they all chorused a goodbye and then he hung up.

"Good timing, we're just about at the first one," Chase said before he slowed down and then parked down the street from a house with a large shed out the back.

"Alright Zane, your time to shine," Sienna said as he popped the door open and slipped the tools inside his jacket. He gave them a salute before dodging through the shadows over to the house. They all watched in anticipation as a black figure hoisted himself over the fence before dropping down the other side. Within a minute there was the roar of the Mustang's engine and then squealing of tyres as it came flying out of the driveway and then took off down the street.

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