Chapter 16

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---Chapter 16--- 

Chase couldn't have felt worse right then. He was watching Sienna lose her boyfriend and really close friend. He felt the stabbing pain of guilt as he realized that he'd already put her through this once before. He couldn't do anything but stand there hugging her and feel the guilt eat away at him. 

When she stopped crying she pulled away and wiped her eyes. She was so angry, everyone she cared about she lost. "Why is it that every time I love someone I always lose them?" She cried as she leant against the bench trying to calm her ragged breathing and sobs. "I lost mum, my brother, you, dad, Kieran and the guys and now Liam. Everyone I love gets taken away from me," Sienna said before tears started streaming down her cheeks.  

"Sienna, I'm so sorry. But I'm still here, the guys are all here, Kieran will be back soon. It'll be fine," he said as he bent over to pick up her phone and cringed as pain coursed through his body.  

"I have to go, I have make sure they haven't gotten it wrong. I don't know when I'll be back," Sienna said as she took a shaky breath and stood up straight.  

"You can't go alone, I'll come, he was my friend too," Chase said as he straightened up and bit back the pain.  

Sienna just shook her head before heading for her bedroom to get changed. She didn't want to believe it, she was hoping that they got the plates wrong or that someone else was driving but she knew that Liam was the only one not at home and the only car that was gone was her Ferrari. She wasn't going to accept it, not until she knew for sure. After finding out about Chase still being alive she wasn't going to believe anything until she saw it.  

Chase knew he couldn't go, he wanted too but he could hardly walk around the house. He made his way down to where the boys were and pushed the door open, "Tyler, a word," he said as Tyler looked at him skeptically before getting up and following Chase through the door.  

"Boss..." Tyler nodded shutting the door, firstly wondering what this was about and secondly how he had walked all the way down here without Sienna yelling at him.  

"This is serious Tyler, I need you to hold up for Sienna's sake," Chase said checking to make sure she hadn't come out of her room yet. "Liam was in a crash about an hour ago. He died on impact; I'm guessing it would have broken his neck. She has to go down and sort things out. You need to go with her, she's pretty cut up about it. Keep her focused and make sure you stay with her. Don't let her out of your sight; if you do we might not see her for a long time. Understood?" Chase asked. He tried to sound like he normally would as Boss but just thinking about how broken she was cut him deep. He felt like shit, and he couldn't do anything about it.  

"I got it. I'll look after her. Call Connor for me, tell him what happened and get him here," Tyler said before heading for her room and slowly opening the door.  

Tyler watched as Sienna just nodded and then took a deep breath before turning around and hugging him. She started crying against his shoulder and he simply held her trying to comfort her. They were in the basement; it was cold and eerie, especially with all the dead bodies. Tyler shivered just thinking about it.  

Sienna slowly pulled away from Tyler glad that he had come with her to support her but she needed her space too. "If you want to collect his belongings they should have them at the reception," the coroner said as he covered Liam's face again with the sheet. Tyler couldn't believe that only a few days ago he'd met this guy who was now here. He almost felt like crying just because of how close Sienna was to him.  

"Come on, we'll go collect his things," he told her quietly as he led her out of the room giving the guy a nod which he returned.  

The two of them walked through the dimly lit freezing cold corridors until they reached the reception beside the elevator and stairs. The lady behind the desk didn't look like the nicest person and almost looked like she should be the one getting chopped open.  

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