Chapter 6

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---Chapter 6--- 

"So let me get this straight, you want me to work for you while your normal guy is in prison?" Sienna asked as the two of them sat in a booth in a small diner.  

It was a cozy little diner with lovely staff and it had homely feel to it. The seats were comfortable not plastic and hard like some places which made her like this little diner even more.  

"Yeah, we need someone who knows what they're doing. It'll only be until he gets out, unless you want to stay," Kieran said really begging her to say yes. If she did they could get back to the top easily. 

"How long until he gets out?" Sienna asked considering his proposal. It would mean she would get to work with cars and she'd be getting paid a ton of money too.  

"Eighteen months," Kieran said as he scratched the back of his neck.  

"I guess I could give it a go," Sienna said shrugging nonchalantly, trying to seem uninterested.  

"Good, well you'll be living with us from now on. Whenever we need you you're there ok," Kieran told her sternly though on the inside he was sighing in relief.  

"We should celebrate, party tonight!" Sienna said happily.  

"Sure, we can all go out to a club or something," Kieran groaned, he forgot to call that chick he met last week.  

"Thanks for lunch Kieran. It was so nice of you," Sienna said sarcastically as she grabbed her jacket and got up.  

"I'm the perfect gentleman," Kieran replied as he went and paid before walking outside to see Sienna in the driver's seat of his car waiting for him. He patted down his pockets only to realize that his keys weren't there. Shit, she was going to be such an asset.  

"When did you take them?" He asked as he stepped into the passenger seat.  

"That's a secret. I can't tell you my tricks," Sienna said as she pulled out and drove within the road rules.  

"You know you drive like a nana, considering you're one of the best street racers," Kieran said shaking his head at how slow they were going.  

Sienna just laughed. If he wanted her thrash his car, she would most certainly do that. She hooked it down a gear and slid it around the closest corner before putting her foot down and racing through the street before pulling it around another corner getting it fully sideways. 

"Holy shit!!! You're going to roll my car!" Kieran screamed at her gripping the door handle as tight as he could.  

"Would you prefer me to drive like a nana or would you prefer me to race?" Sienna asked politely.  

"The nana driving was fine," Kieran said as he regained his composure.  

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