Chapter 20

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---Chapter 20--- 

Sienna and Nate spent ten minutes pegging up the lines into the roof so that when they dropped down they would be able to climb back up. It was also for show of course. Once they had the braces set up they attached the ropes to the harnesses and waited for the alarm to go off.  

Tyler and Chase headed around the front of the building once Sienna and Nate had disappeared from sight. Zane and Aaron were taking a side each and so far everything was going to plan. The two of them set up the explosives around the door frames and then waited while Tyler set up the detonator.  

"Ready?" Tyler asked as they both stepped back out onto the sidewalk. The explosives weren't too big, just big enough to blow apart the doors and give the security guards a fright.  

"You're cutting the power and the generator at the same time right?" Chase asked wanting to clarify that he hadn't forgotten.  

"But leaving the alarm untouched, correct?" Tyler said as he waited for the ignition to prime itself. "Do you want to push the button or shall I?" He asked excited once it was ready.  

"Just blow it," Chase said as Tyler pressed the button. The doors blew inwards and most of the front of the bank came crumbling down. Tyler and Chase were both sent tumbling backwards from the blow and when they stood up they saw the extensive damage they had done to the front of the building.  

"I told you we only used a little bit," Tyler said laughing as they both started climbing over the rubble and into the bank. At the same time as they entered two massive skylights smashed and two people dressed in black came down from the holes in the roof. Two other people shot open the padlocks on the side doors and came running in through those while the security guards came running out of their office only to be surrounded by a group of people dressed in black holding guns.  

"Tie them up, take one of them with us down to the vaults though," Chase said as they tied the security guards hands with duct tape and then cable tied them as well. They then duct taped their hands to their backs and then to the chairs before doing the same to their feet. Once the four security guards were tied up and weapon less Sienna, Tyler and Chase took the other security guard down to the vault with them.  

All the time the alarm had been going off and the police were scrambling to get to the bank with the bomb squad and the SWAT teams.  

As Tyler, Chase and Sienna headed down into the vaults Chase's phone started ringing and he pulled it out answering it almost immediately.  

"Yes..." he said as Tyler opened yet another steel door.  

"It's Drake, thanks man, the race is on. Let you know how it goes," Drake said excitedly from the other end of the line.  

"Alright, later man," Chase said hanging up on him and then getting back to helping Tyler blow the doors.  

Once they were down in the vaults Sienna got to work picking the locks. Kieran and Zane had taught her how and she was almost as good as them now. Chase worked on one of the other ones while Tyler watched the security guard.  

"Got it!" Sienna said happily as she twisted the handle and then pulled the door open. Tyler started unpacking all the rolled up duffel bags and lay them out ready. The next vault would be harder. The locks were all electronic and with the power being cut they couldn't activate it. She pulled out some drill bits and then Chase passed her the drill out of his bag before she knocked on the door finding the hollow for the cables.  

Once she found it she placed the drill in the correct spot and then started drilling through the five centimeter thick steel. It took three batteries and five drill bits but she got through eventually and then Tyler came over to sort out the cables while Chase filled the duffel bags from the other open vaults. 

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