The Desert Isn't a Nice Place to Die

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*Heyyo! So yeah this is a Naruto Fanfic, and um...its my first one so please just roll with the punches... ermmmm anyway, I hope you enjoy and please, vote, comment, share! Yeah that's all I gotta say! Have fun I guess....
~Stephanie ;)**

I don't know where I am. I don't know who I'm with. I don't know why I'm here. I just know that I woke up, and I didn't feel normal. Even though I don't know what my "normal" is.

I don't know anything. Or it seems that way, anyway. There are people around me who are studying me. Asking me if I'm okay. I don't know these people. I don't know myself. So how do they know me?

I'm confused. I don't get it...why are they crowding me? This is uncomfortable, and I don't know how much of it I can take. I look down. I notice again, that my long hair is red. It disappoints me. Is it supposed to be red?

I see weapons all around me, but only two catch my eye. So, I walk to them. Ignore all the other people yelling numerous things, one probably a name. But I don't care about my name right now. Just the weapons.

I can't tell if they want something important from me, or if I'm their friend. When I think of the word friend, chickens and pineapples come to mind. I'm not sure why.

"What do you think you're doing?" yells a voice to my left. I already have the weapons in hand. They feel so normal, so right. But I turn to the man.

"I don't know. I don't know anything." he gives a smile and nods.

"It's okay, we're here to help." His hair reminds me of mint ice cream. It also reminds me of a great sadness. I'm getting confused with all of this very fast. Too fast.

Where did this even start?


I was about to die. No food, no water, in a desert. Starving to death. Dehydration. I felt worse than crap, and there didn't seem to be anyone around. Though, in my defense, there was a sandstorm, so I couldn't see anything. Though, every once in a while, I thought I saw a building or a flash of red. Though, I deemed it a hallucination. There was no help for me now. I was gone. There was nothing anyone could do about it.

I finally couldn't walk anymore, and I fell to the ground, everything turning black and white at the same time. Though, I saw glimpses of purple and red. I felt like I was bleeding out of my eyes. The colors didn't help my suspicions either.


I woke up in a hospital, extremely thirsty, and a bit hungry. I quickly sat upright.

"Water." I begged. The nurse pointed to the table next to me, and there were about a trillion bottle
of water. I grabbed one, and shoved all the water down my mouth.

"Now, cat eyes. Might wanna watch yourself with your intake." Said a smug guy leaning against the door. His face was an orangey color, with purple streaks through it, creating a pattern. I though he'd be hotter without it. I didn't really get it.

"What do you expect from someone who was dying of dehydration and starvation you little creep. What are you even wearing anyway? Is that spandex?" He sweat dropped, and I hid a smirk as I chugged down another bottle of water.

"Kankuro! How is she?" Yelled a female voice. The owner of it walked in seconds later. She was beautiful, with her blonde hair in various ponytails behind her, and her choice of clothing very suiting to her looks. But I knew that face.

"I've met you." I said straight away. She looked at me, wide-eyed.

"R-really? I d-don't th-think we have." She gave a fake smile, and I got up from my bed. The nurse
started screaming like crazy as I removed the IVs from myself, and being the most grateful person in the world as I had my normal clothes on, not hospital robes.

I stared to walk over to her, almost falling down every once in a while, until I was almost face to face with her. She was sweating like crazy.

"Your name...your name is Temari." I stated. She was so choked up, when she swallowed, you could hear it. "I think you know my name. Say it."

"I-I don't k-know your na-name." She was a horrible liar. I got a little bit closer, to make a dramatic effect.

"State it."

"Karai." I backed away a bit, remembering her. Kazekage's daughter, the boy being her brother, though she had two. Speaking of which, where was he? Or where even was the Kazekage?

"This place is made of sandstone. So we're in Sunagakure." I noticed, completely ignoring Temari's nervous breakdown and Kankuro's confusion. I turned towards the window and looked out of it. "It's changed."

"It has indeed." A deep voice said behind me. I slowly turned around, recognizing it a bit. He was dressed in Kazekage robes, and his hair was blood red with the love kanji scarred on his forehead. I knew exactly who he was.

"Where's your father." I demanded, more than asked. Kankuro looked upset. Right. Kazekage.

"Hmm. I see. Well your sister remembers me. But the question you? I'm guessing not. I mean, Shukaku was controlling you then. Or at least, that's what I've come to believe." I gave him a look of hatred. I really did hate him. I couldn't stand him.

"Your face is familiar. And by knowing my family, I must've met you before. However, I do not specifically remember you." I scoffed at his comment. I walked to the table, grabbed my bag, shoved about eight water bottles in it, and headed out the door, shoving the confused Kazekage as I walked out the door. His sand grabbed my arm, and I got annoyed.

I focused, and felt the sand turn to rock. I broke my wrist, and was able to get my arm out. I held it so the bones could connect, and it immediately healed. He figured it was useless.

"Wait! Come on, give us another chance!" I heard Kankuro yell, and run towards me. I stopped dead in my tracks. I could feel the tension rise as I slowly turned my head, and Kankuro stopped running slowly. It was like everything was slow motion.

"You all destroyed the only person who cared for me, then killed him. Another chance would be pointless." I spat as I glared daggers at what I could see of Kankuro.

"And Gaara..." I said, turning my head back around, "congratulations. Though, I'm not planning on staying. But I'll take the room that was prepared for me when I arrived nearly dead here."


A/N: So that's the first chapter, I hope you liked it!!! Yeah, sorry it's so short, but they'll get longer as I go on, I promise! Anyway, as I said before, vote, comment, share, fan, etc. I'll be uploading the next chapter soon!

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