Some Bitches Ruin My Look

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*Hey guys! So here's the newest chapter!! I really hope you enjoy, and thanks for reading, remember to vote, comment, fan, share, all that stuff! And, of course, the picture is Karai (hint hint hint *cough* hint)

~Stephanie ;)*

When I woke up, I still hadn't healed. Though, the only blood that was coming out was from my mouth. I groaned, putting my hand to the sides of my head. My forehead was bandaged, and my temples hurt more than ever. I looked down at my hair. Parts of it were stained red from my blood, which I knew wouldn't come out. I sighed, annoyed. I liked my blue hair.

I looked around the room I was in. It wasn't much. Just a room with a lamp in the corner, and black and white walls. I didn't know where I was, but I was hoping to find out. Sadly, there was no door in sight. I wondered how I got where I was.

I got up from the ground, wiping the blood from my mouth, and steadying myself on the wall. I wasn't healing yet, which worried me. How long had it been?

I searched all around the walls in the semi-darkness, searching for the feeling of a door. There was no feeling for it, and I was afraid that I was going to be alone. But then I felt something weird. It wasn't a door, but it seemed more like bars. I looked through them, and saw a dark shadow in the corner of the room. It creeped me out, as it seemed to be staring at me.

"You know, it's rude to stare." They pointed out. Their voice gave me the shivers. Something about them scared me. Their voice seemed like they were out for blood, no matter whose it was.

"I could say the same for you." I weakly said back. They laughed. The laugh was dark, and menacing. I wanted to cry.

"So you just go here then. Make sense, it used to be only me. Just because I let myself get caught..." I slightly recognized the voice. Though, it was still pretty unfamiliar, and unplaceable. Who were they? Anyone from Suna? Konoha? I didn't know.

"Who are you?" I daringly asked. They laughed, coming up to me and showing their face. Only half of it, but I recognized it immediately. was it possible? He was dead.

"Nii-san?" I asked, like a small child. He laughed, and smiled, proving that he was who I thought he was. I felt a tear on my cheek.

"I thought you were dead! What happened? Where you here the whole time?" He was still smiling, but not the smile I knew. It seemed cold, dark. Like he was planning to kill me. Or anyone he encountered. It make me upset.

"What happened in here?" I asked, concerned.

"Madness." He gave me a creepy smile, and inched back into his corner of his cell, rocking back and fourth and whispering to himself. I felt more tears on my face as I thought about what could've made him go mad. What had happened to him?

"Karai." I barely heard Obito over my thoughts, but it registered, and I slowly and hesitantly turned my head to him. There was an open door.

"Come." He demanded, like I was a dog. Though, since I knew I was defenseless, I obeyed and left the small little room I was put in. When I walked out, I squinted my eyes, the light being a little overwhelming for me.

When my eyes adjusted, I was deathly afraid. I was in my home village. I was in Amegakure. I wanted to run away, but I knew if I did I would be killed. I wasn't one who wanted to die. So I kept walking.

"Why am I here." I demanded, more than asked. Obito laughed.

"I wanted you to see what your home has become." He said it very suspiciously. I started to become aware of my surroundings.

I was on top of the biggest building in the village, the headquarters of Pein-sama. The rest of the buildings were vaguely familiar, but there was one that stood out the most. The place I grew up in.

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