I'm A Wolf...Grrr

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*Heyyyooooo! So this chapter gives some more information on Karai, so I hope you lurrrrve that! There's a little bit that I added, kinda to make her a bit over powered... Oh well, whatcha gonna do? But enjoy, vote, fan, comment, share, all that good stuff! Side picture is Karai in fully transformed state...hint hint hint.....

~Stephanie ;)*

"Karai is your name, right?" Kankuro asked, arms crossed and leaning against the wall. I nodded.

"Why are you here? I thought you didn't ever wanna come back! I thought that's why you left. The first and second time." He sounded hurt, and I didn't know what to say for a minute. But I found the words.

"I came back because I have bounty hunters after me. Powerful ones. I thought your father could help me. I didn't know he was dead." He looked at me, with a bit of surprise.

"Bounty hunters? Why would-"

"I've changed since you last saw me, Kankuro. I've done some horrible things because of what my parents shoved inside of me. This wolf isn't very calm, you know. I've done things worse than kill. I'm a wanted criminal. Not a threat to any of the hidden villages. Though, I'm a criminal amongst the criminals. The S-ranked ones. It's more like- like I'm a prize to be gained. I'm running from the Akatsuki." With the last word, Kankuro widened his eyes in shock, and uncrossed his arms, and started to walk over to me. I appeared on the other side of the room once he got too close.

"Why do the Akatsuki want you? Don't they only want the tailed beasts?" He asked, turning around. I sighed. I hated having old friends.

"That's the thing. My wolf is a hidden tailed beast. She's the original ten tails." I could tell Kankuro didn't know what to say. Luckily, just then, Temari walked in with an extremely pale Gaara.

"What did you do to my little brother!" She yelled, almost dropping him. I covered a laugh at her clumsiness.

"Gaara!" Kankuro ran to his side too, and helped Temari hold him.

"All I did was take away his jutsu abilities. Is that bad?" I couldn't resist smiling.

"No harm to the hidden villages..." Kankuro mumbled, that look of hatred returning to his face. I sighed.

"None of you get it, do you?" They looked at each other, confused.

"Ten years ago, I wanted this as my home, but couldn't have it. Now, I don't want this as my home, but need it. I'm staying, and lets get this straight, I don't trust anyone. So, I'm protecting myself, and this village from now on. Got it?" I smiled, and put my hands on my hips. Kankuro and Temari started to get mad.

"You can't do that! Gaara's the Kazekage, so give him back...." Temari stopped speaking as the chakra of the wolf spirit inside of me created a cloak around me, and my eyes and teeth became that of a wolf's.

"Would you like to finish that sentence?" I spat, getting ready to pounce, like a wolf would and growling. She shook her head. I looked to Gaara, who just stared at me. No look on his face. Just....staring. I've got to say, it was quite uncomfortable. I eased a bit.

The aura disappeared, though, my eyes stayed the same while the other features disappeared. They would stay like that for a while.

"Karai....I noticed something about that tiger." Gaara stated, still being held by his siblings. I tilted my head a bit.

"I saw...I saw some Shukaku inside of that demon." For a second, I couldn't control myself, and I growled, having the tiger being the one who actually did it, not me. I cleared my throat.

"That wasn't just the Shukaku you noticed. You said that the beast used to be inside of you. So you died. Which means, a piece of you got torn along with the Shukaku, and transferred into me." I said, a bit awkwardly.

"What do you mean?" He asked. I sighed. I hated explaining it.

"The original ten tails was also made up of the other nine biju. Though, once they got split, the ten tails, my wolf, was destroyed. That's why it hasn't been mentioned to almost anyone. Though, it can still be recreated. My parents cast a jutsu on me so the original ten tails could be revived, inside of me. Every time a junchuriki died, a piece of their tailed beast was taken from them, and transferred to me before the beast was let out. Though, each had somewhat of a bond to their animal, so, their soul was bound to it. That is the only reason the tiger is inside me. Because of the jinchuriki's souls. When you died, a small part of you was put into me. I've been getting a lot of power lately. That's why the wolf finally decided to surface." They all looked at me in shock. I hated that look.

"So that's what I mean. Are we done here?" I asked, closing my eyes and turning around. I got the feeling that we weren't done.

"Show us your jutsu." I turned my head to look at Kankuro, who spoke.

"Why?" I asked.

"You owe me that much." I closed my eyes again and sighed, turning back around fully, then taking a seat on the floor.

"I'll show you my second most deadly jutsu. It's a supernova jutsu. Just watch." I made the hand signs, and opened my eyes. In my palm, was a mini ball of light, almost too bright for the eye to look upon.

"The sky." I whispered close to the ball. It flew out of my hand, and into the middle of the sky, where there was a giant blinding explosion of light. I turned to the sand siblings, and they looked at me, unable to process what I had just done.

"What's your most deadly jutsu?" Temari choked. I sighed, I wasn't going to show it to them. I needed them alive.

"I can cast a signal, with me at the center killing every person that is touching the surface of what my signal is connected to. I will not show you, of course. But I cannot die from it."

"Why can't you!" She asked. I rolled my eyes. She knew nothing.

"It's like the eye of the storm. Nothing happens there. There is no storm in the center. Though, even if there wasn't that, I still wouldn't die. You see, that's why my wrist is healed, and not broken from my escape of Gaara's sand. I have a regenerative property. The only reason I was dying in the desert, was because my tiger took it away while we were in the desert, to mess with me. He couldn't give it back to me in time." Temari started to shake with fear. I stood up, and walked over to her.

"You know, emotions are bothersome things." I said, as I made a couple hand signs and placed my palm on her shoulder. Immediately, she stopped shaking. I smiled, knowing that it worked.

"Temari? What did you do to her?" Kankuro yelled. I shrugged.

"She no longer has those bothersome emotions of hers. I took them. Nara Shikamaru, eh? Hm. I guess I can see why you like him so much. Though, you don't really want to, do you?" I smiled, looking back at her. She was unfazed.

"Those are gone now. Why should I care." She just stated. I smiled even wider. Gaara looked at her with concern. She let go of her younger brother, and leaned against the wall, crossing her arms.

"I can do much more than just that to the any of you. I'm one you don't want to cross."


A/N: Ohhhhhhhh emotionless Temari!! Tbh she already seems emotionless so I didn't really know what to do. This won't last very long, though! And by the way I love Temari, I just think she lacks...er, empathy. Idk it's just my opinion.

Well, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and I'll get up the next ones as soon as I can! Vote, comment, fan, and definitely share! Thanks lovelies!!

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