The Pissy Red Head Is A Real Bitch

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*Hey guys! So this chapter is pretty short, sorry bout that. But remember to vote, comment, share, and fan! As always, there's Karai either to the right or above. Thanks for reading, and enjoy!

~Stephanie ;)*

Of course, being the Kazekage, he didn't follow me through the city. He stayed on top of his building, (it feels weird saying that) with one eye closed, letting a random wandering eye follow me. (It feels weirder saying that)

I searched the village, looking out for anyone who could look like Pein-sama. Though, I didn't end up finding him. He found me.

"Karai." He whispered in my ear, putting a hand on my shoulder. I got shivers, from the coldness in his voice.

"Pein-sama." I stated. The fact that he didn't respond let me know that it indeed was him. I felt like a super spy doing this, don't ask me why.

"Walk with me." He appeared next to me, and we started walking. I looked at him, and he didn't look any different. The only difference was the fact that he didn't have his cloak on, and he looked like a normal every day emo ninja.

"I got no news from Madara about the Hokage. Tell me, what happened?" He asked, looking down. So he didn't know it was Obito. Huh.

"Dead and gone." I stated. He nodded, and looked up at where he was walking.

"Now, why has it taken you so long to come to Suna? It didn't take long with the other Kage. The Hokage and Kazekage have taken the longest." I nodded, getting only the slightest bit worried.

"The Kazekage was a previous jinchuriki. And the Hokage was one. He is very hard to take down, both of them are without a strategy." He nodded once again, as if he was deciding wether to believe me or not. I tried my best to relax. I looked behind me, out of the corner of my eye. I saw the eye behind us, but not too close to be seen.

"I can tell the Kazekage is extremely suspicious. You have been here before. He or one of his siblings must remember you, and why you're here. Suspicion is circling.You must know that by now." I stiffened.


"Then this needs to be done quickly. He is on top of his tower. His activity has been normal, up until you got here." He stopped walking, and so did I. I wanted to stab myself. He knew. Which explained why we traveled outside the village.

"Around five months ago." I got in defensive stance, somewhat ready to take him on. Though, without my healing, it really was going to be bothersome.

"You know, I can't say I didn't expect a betrayal like this from you. I know that you get attached to things. To Ame, to your brother, your parents, friends. They are within the hidden villages now, aren't they?" I growled.

"They are within both. I am not betraying. I am making sure a friend doesn't die." He chuckled.

"You cannot always save your friends, you know. Sometimes, they make their own choices." I growled even more.

"Yes, I'm aware. However, I wouldn't use their corpse as my own, disgracing their wishes!" He stared at me, and the look scared me to death. He pulled out one of his metal bars from his hand. I couldn't heal. There was no doubt he knew that.

"You know nothing of me."

"That's a lie, Nagato, and you know that." I said, backing away, and pulling out my katana. He stopped when I said his name, but kept walking again.

"I'm not sure I do." His eyes were turning venomous, and I was extremely afraid.

"Gaara!" I yelled, unknowing of what to do myself. He should've gotten here by now. I thought of the only thing I could do. I hesitantly closed my eyes, then opened them again, once enough chakra was focused into them.

"Kamui!" I sucked him into the dimension, slightly tiring me out. The good thing was that my chakra was still regenerating. Though, five more orange-haired people appeared in front of me. I gulped, not sure how fast I could suck them into the dimension.

I got two before one managed to attack me. Luckily, there were only three. Not as bad. Though, the girl opened a surface wound on my shoulder to it's full extent. In about three minutes I would bleed out.

I kept fighting, dodging and avoiding attacks, making some hits of my own. Though, I failed to take up the one that revives every other one. I couldn't stall the other two in order to take him up. I cursed myself for my stupid mistake.

Things started to get hazy, and I was getting weaker. The pain in my shoulder wasn't helping me either. Where even was Gaara? I lost track of the eye that was following me before. When I was feeling hopeless, sand engulfed the one who revived the other two. I smiled, knowing Gaara had done that.

I found my chance, and took in the girl, who was being quite troublesome summoning all these weird ass creatures. There were only two left. I was on the verge of passing out cold, but I could do this. I had to.

The sand made the one who was made like a machine stay still, but I knew I didn't have much time. I sucked him in as fast as I could, making sure the last one couldn't get to me in time. I successfully did it, though, I fell to the ground. The last one, who could easily kill me, along with getting information, slowly walked to me. I grabbed my sword in a last desperate attempt. He didn't do what I thought he would. He just stood in front of me, a disappointed look on his face.

"I thought you'd put up more of a fight, even if you can't heal." I growled, and spit in his face. It didn't bother him one bit. He didn't even wipe it away, which just grossed me out.

"But now I get the pleasure in killing you. But you've fought well. So I'm sorry." I growled again, getting up very slowly and painfully. I kept seeing black spots everywhere, but I still got up, using my sword for balance.

"I don't think you are." I said, walking closer to him. He didn't move.

I took a risk and took my sword off the ground, ready to try and strike him. But I fell onto the ground before I could do anything. I couldn't even move. He kneeled next to my face, and studied me.

"I'm surprised that you could get up." I growled, wanting to say something, but not being able to talk. It frustrated me to no end.

When I least expected it, I saw sand float around him, first it covered his hands. It started to go up his arms.

"Karai! Now!" I heard Gaara yell. I closed my eyes, fighting really hard to open them once again, and sucked him into the dimension, leaving him with a surprised look on his face.

I gave a sigh of relief, and completely fell to the ground, lying on my side. I saw faint glimpses of Gaara coming to help me, up until I blacked out.


A/N: I feel like she's blacking out too much. Maybe some Advil will work...

Anyway, thanks for reading, and sorry it was a bit short...

remember to:




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