Is It Bad That I Have More Than One Dark Side?

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*Blaah sorry! I just had to write another chapter today! This one is longer, and I am very happy for it!! The side picture is Karai... But anyway, vote, comment, fan, share, and most importantly(cheesy, I know) enjoy!!!!

~Stephanie ;)*

Days passed without the sand siblings bothering me. I was glad. It was nice. I stood atop the Kazekage building, watching over the village, making sure no Akatsuki came. I had luck with that, though, one day, Gaara apperently had no work, and nothing to do. And he got bored.

"Have you even slept?" He asked once he was standing next to me. I sighed.

"Can't. More like I won't. Nightmares. Akatsuki. Lots to do, except sleep." I said. Even though I knew it, I was quite tired. Though, I hid it, not wanting him to know.

"Why did you run away from your village?" Gaara asked. I shook my head, not daring to close my eyes.

"Not completely sure. My brother wanted to. Said that it was much too dangerous for people like us there. I still feel a part of him inside me. It's like he held a tailed beast. But I know he didn't. Though....I don't know. It's complicated." I cut myself short, not wanting to relive my arguments with myself.

"Have you been to any other hidden village?" He asked again. i was getting quite annoyed.

"Every one except Konohagakure. I wasn't ever one for leaves, anyway." I swear, I heard the faintest laugh from him. Though, I shook it out of my kind, deeming it something of my imagination.

"Why did you choose to go to this village now?" He asked. There was no way I was answering that question.

"What's with all the questions, anyway?" I turned around to face him. He was looking at the sky.

"Just wanting to get to know the newest citizen of my village." He said, the smallest smile growing on his face. I sighed and turned back around.

"So, are you going to answer my question?"

"Ask your brother." He didn't talk for a while after that. Though, he didn't leave. I got a bit annoyed by his presence. But my focus was pulled elsewhere.

"You know, Karai, you aren't that good at hiding." I got into a fighting stance, and put on my wolf cloak. A very dark Itachi had showed up in front of me.

"You know I hate to do this. I know you've traveled through my mind before." He said. No one moved. I knew Gaara was getting impatient, but confused, he was curious at what the Akatsuki member was talking about.

"Just for cover. Sure. But why me?" I asked him. He sighed, and deactivated his sharingan. I got confused, but eased a bit.

"I convinced the Pein that there wasn't a ten tails junchuriki. Though, Madara knows I'm lying, and has convinced Pein to get you, to recruit you. Please. In order to protect you, you have to come with me. You need to work undercover in the Akatsuki. Kazekage, she will be back in less than two years. Will you allow me to do this?" Gaara knew he wasn't up for a fight. I regretted taking his jutsu. He sighed.


"Thank you, Kazekage-sama. Now, Karai-chan, come with me." Itachi put out his hand.

"Tell Kankuro I'm sorry. And give this to Temari. Just place the hand you take it in on her shoulder. Nothing else." I made hand signs, and resurfaced Temari's emotions, and Gaara's jutsu. I put her emotions in his hand, and his jutsu on his shoulder, where I extract it. I then took Itachi's hand, and felt a small emotion of sadness in my heart.

(Inside Karai's mind)

"Karai, you fool! You go with the Akatsuki, who want to extract me from you. How DARE you!" Roared the ten tailed wolf. I sighed.

"I had no choice, Seibai. There was nothing I could do."

"There's always something you can do! I cannot even believe you would give up so easily!" I shook my head.

"I didn't give up. I gave in." Seibai growled, and creeped back into the shadows.

"Know this. There will be no help from me once you're done with this Akatsuki business. None."

(Back in the real world)

There was a woman in front of me, with blue hair and an origami flower in it. She smiled, warmly, and had a hand extended. I took it, and shook her hand.

"What's your name?" She asked me.

"Karai." She laughed.

"Nice to meet you, Karai-san. This is Pein." She turned back, revealing an orange haired man, about her age, with rods stuck in him everywhere. He didn't smile.

"Pein-sama. I will take Karai as my partner, so she can learn fast." He nodded, and walked towards me. I was pretty sure it was Itachi who spoke behind me. Pein handed me a ring. I took it. There was snake skin.

"I see Orochimaru gave his ring back." I said, brushing the skin off the ring, and sliding it on my finger.

"He's dead. We found it at one of his hideouts." Itachi said behind me.

"Sasuke..." I mumbled. No one heard it, luckily. Itachi was probably searching for Sasuke. But why wouldn't he look in Konoha?

"You will be hunting down the Kages. I need them exterminated. But first, you must meet the rest of us." He did the summoning hand signs, and up came a statue. The Gedo statue.

He hopped on one of the fingers, as did the rest of us. Soon, there was six holograms standing on fingers, and four real people standing on fingers. Weirdest. Thing. Ever.

"Everyone welcome Karai. She's the newest member of the Akatsuki."


A/N: Soooo Akatsuki, huh??? I don't know why, but I'm excited! I love writing this, and I hope you love reading it!! But thanks for reading, and vote, comment, fan, share, all that stuff. Knowing how I binge write this, a new chapter will be up soon!!!

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