Chapter 6 : The Call

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Chapter's song : Why try - Ariana Grande


Laura was sweet, but I didn't want to build any ropes of friendship yet. I felt like this wasn't the place I was meant to be in. The summer needs to come in quickly, I utterly can't stand this.

"It was nice to meet you Laura, you are such a beautiful and sweet girl. I'll see you around in French class." I said smiling so wide

"Oh thank you! It was a pleasure to meet you too. Maybe we could try joining the basketball team together sometime yeah?" Laura spoke

"Sure thing. See you!" I waved

"Bye!" Laura shouted back.

Now it was time I get going to gym class. This won't be as good as pie.

I ran to my locker to get changed into my gym clothes. I didn't know where the gym was exactly though.

"Excuse me!" I shouted to the girl I saw walking down the hall.

"Me?" She said turning back and pointing to her chest.

"Yes please" I said.

As soon as she walked and came closer I realised I asked help from the wrong person. It was Gina, the girl that laughed at me in music class. Next time maybe, I shall think before shouting. Shoot.

"Um where is gym class?" I asked nervously.

"I don't know" she said frowning as her eyes looked at me in disgust.

I didn't want any more problems. I wanted to get to camp in peace already. I ignored her and walked away trying to keep it all in. I deeply felt like sticking her head in a bucket of dead fish.

I searched the halls alone until I finally found the gym. I was already 10 minutes late for class.

"Why are you late? 50 push-ups for that in the corner there" a muscular women shouted as I walked in.

It already smelled horrible there.

I looked around confusedly. Was she talking to me?

"Me?" I pointed to my self.

"No, my grandmother" she shouted.

I noted her obvious sarcasm and rushed to the corner. I utterly sucked at push-ups.


I walked quietly home. I plugged my earphones to my ears and turned on some music. My favorite music was the music we sang at camp. Nothing could clearly top that. I missed those days, were all we did was sing. We did have our ups and downs but we honestly had our love. Those memories are the memories I would never replace with a billion. Even the tiniest ones.

"Hello!" I shouted through the house as I shut the door behind me. "Mom?"

"Oh hello mitch!!" Mom said as she walked down the stairs. "I have a little surprise for you."

"What is it?" I asked.

Mom handed me the phone in her hand. "Someone special wants you"

"Who is it?" I asked again.

Mom smiled and walked away.

"Hello?" I spoke through the phone. I was actually nervous for some reason.

"Mitchie!! I miss you so much!!" A familiar voice answered. After a very few seconds I knew who exactly who that was. Then unconsciously my smile was already a mile wide.

"Oh my god!! Caitlyn?? I miss you even more" I screamed.

"Yes!! One second Mitch" Caitlyn excused.

I heard voice in the background. "I want to talk to her!" Someone said. "Me too cate" another person spoke. I couldn't identify them though. There were some more chuckles and whispered also. The voices were slightly far to guess through a phone call.

"Hey Mitchie. Some others want to talk to you too. I'll put the call on speaker." Said Caitlyn.

"Okay sure." I smiled.

"Mitchie!!" Someone screamed. That scream was so loud. I can't feel my ears anymore. "I'm Ella."

Of course. It's Ella obviously. Who else would scream like that? I laughed to my self.

"Oh hi there ellie!! I miss you!! How is everything going?" I asked.

"We miss you too. I'm doing great." Said Ella. "Get off me, I'm talking to her."

"What's wrong?" I frowned

"Peggy won't let me talk to you. She says she wants to talk to you. But it's my turn." Whined Ella.

"Then i'll just talk to both of you guys!" I laughed.

At this moment I was at the peak. I loved how this was going. I missed them all so much. I couldn't wait for the summer.


Hi!! How is everyone doing? How is summer?? Okay so I did procrastinate in posting this chapter because I did promise to update twice a week, but I didn't. Oops. I'll try to keep the promise this time!!

A major shoutout to every single one of for giving us the 1K reads!! You guys are magnificent. We promise to try our best to give you the extreme.

We love you all

This chapters dedication goes to another great supporter: @ddLov-ato

Thank you @ddLov-ato or being a dedicated supporter!! We really appreciate your votes

Take care loves!! Love, #DanaBJ# (Dana)

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