Chapter 18 : Secrets and stuff.

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Chapter's song : Boomerang - Summer Set



"Do you want me to call the ambulance?" Mr. Bradford asked.

"N-no I'm good" I said.

"Okay then let's take you into your hub" he said as all the others helped me get up and walk to my bed.

If only I wasn't the luckiest to have friends like these. I'm in love with every moment that passes here with them....

I slowly drifted to sleep as they all left me alone in the quiet hub.


"wakey wakey sunshine" sang Caitlyn.

"Hello!" I said rubbing my eyes and stretching. I then pulled Caitlyn into a tight hug.

She laughed "what's all the love about?"

"Nothing I love you all for being great friends." I explained.

They all laughed and joined into a group hug.

"So what will we do today girls?" Asked Peggy.

"Things people do at camp?" Suggested Ella.

We laughed at her funny response.

"Maybe we should have a girls day only. We don't need the boys." I smiled widely.

"I c-can't." Stuttered Dana.

"Why is that?" Asked Bertha.

"B-because" stopped Dana.

"Spill the beans beautiful!!" Jumped Caitlyn. She seemed excited for some reason...

"Well N-Nate asked me out o-on a date....I said yes?" She muttered not sure enough if she should tell us.

The girls reaction was priceless. This is why I love it here. There was camp spirit.

"Oh my god!!" Ella screamed hugging Dana so tight.

"WHAT?!?!" Shouted Caitlyn, Avril and Bertha joining Ella in the tight hug.

"Awww!" Said Peggy as she planted a friendly kiss on Dana's face. "It's like last year that kid was writing songs to impress you" she laughed.

When they all moved away from Dana I finally had the chance to congratulate her.

"Hey there gorgeous!!" I told her walking out of bed. "Well Nate is only the luckiest boy yet!" I said pulling her into a long hug.

"Thank you Mitchie, you are and will always be the best" Dana whispered.

"Will this take any longer?" Tess sighed. "I got bored"

"So what camp things will we do that campers usually do?" Ella asked.

"Wait girls I think we forgot something. We aren't alone anymore. We have an owner that runs camp. So we can't just leave without permission. Mr. Bradford must have something planned out for us today. Can't we just skip the girls day out for some other time where Dana would be with us?" Suggested Peggy.

"Yeah that's a good idea" said Tess.

"Yeah I think it's better too" said Bertha.

"Kay then let's get dressed and go to Mr. Bradford" I said.


"Guys wait up!" Shouted a voice.

We were all on our way to Mr. Bradford's office.

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