Chapter 26 : Day by day

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I got all dressed up and headed to the cafeteria were the girls said we would meet at table 3. Yesterday wasn't one of the best nights really.

I still feel the sense of regret in my tummy for what I did, though personally I think he deserved it.

"Good morning." I greeted forcing a fake smile.

"Hey you beautiful thing!" Said Caitlyn.
I smiled and took the empty seat between her and Aaron.

"Guess what!" Shouted Ella.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Tess found Shane yesterday night and he's back!" She continued.

"O-oh well. T-that sounds good." I gulped, swallowing the tears in.

"You all alright?" Asked Barron.

"Yeah I'm fine." I said taking a bite out of the blue berry muffin.

Mom absolutely knew how to make my day with these muffins. They smelled like home.

"How is everyone feeling about camp ending in a couple of days?" Asked Jason, bringing up another sad topic to my day.

Everyone groaned and had several sad facial expressions plastered on their morning faces.

"Guys." Paused Peggy, as her face dropped.

"What's wrong Pegs?" Asked Nate.

"W-what if we didn't get to reunite next year. Like what if fate breaks us apart?" She stuttered.

No one seemed to have the right words to comfort her, since all of them were concerned about the same thing.

See next year won't be the same. Next year almost all of us will be busy with our new life, since we moved on from our old age to a more independent age. We won't have time to do what we loved to do when we were teenagers. We won't live the same after the last day of camp. Although I know that we will never grow old to rock.

"Everything is going to be alright." I lied, trying my best to comfort her although the truth was way more complicated.

There was a long silence between us all until Tess broke in.

"Hey everybody." She smirked grabbing a chair from another table and sitting next to Dana.

"So Shane is back." She smiled looking at me.

"He wasn't gone in first place." I mumbled under my breath.

"What was that mitchie?" She said twirling a strand of her hair around her fingers.

"Nothing." I said picking up my tray and heading to the kitchen to help mom.

Surprisingly the one and only Shane was there in the kitchen looking into the fridge.

"Shane honey, you'll find food outside." Mom said. "Oh mitchie dear, you came in the right time."

When mom called my name Shane snapped out of his graze and looked back facing me.

I ignored him and put on an apron to help mom around.

"I can help." He volunteered grabbing another apron, but I snapped it out of his hand and gave it to one of the counsellors that usually helped here.

"No. I want Amanda to help me." I said giving her the apron.

"Mitchie, if Shane wants to help then it's okay." Mom said looking at me sternly.

Oh ya, mom doesn't know yet about what had happened.

"Okay, if he insists on helping then here." I said removing the apron and throwing it to him.


I walked into our empty hub. The girls were all outside setting up the stage for tonight.

Mr. Bradford planned a sing along night were we all had to choose one of our favourite songs and sing it on stage.
I got dressed and headed back outside to where they were all rushing around to get things done.


"Hey there rockers!" Shouted Mr. Bradford through the microphone as we all sat around on the green grass.
The moon was already out and the sky was dark. The stars shone brighter than ever.

This was going to be a night that I'll absolutely remember. Hopefully.

Helloz peoplez! How is your day going? I wish it's going great!! How do you like this chapter? I think it's pretty good. Things will get pretty intense in the next 2 chapters. We entered this book in the Watty awards of 2014. Although we know it will be impossible to win, but we will give it a try anyways. Maybe also you guys can enter some of your books too. I wish you all the luck!
This weeks dedication goes to: -@nball97 thank you for voting and reading this story! We love you! xxx

#DanaBJ# (Dana)

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