Chapter 24 : Tess meets cow

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I wonder how Tess is doing! I can imagine her suffering over there...


The farm...

Tess' POV:

"Tess! Are you done with the eggs?" the lady asked.

"Tess! The milk!" She later said.

"Yes! yes! I'm coming!" I said.

"Ok!" the lady said.

"Ughh! Why am I doing all of this! I can't take this anymore!" I whispered.

I went to to give Ms. Joan (The lady who helps Tess) the eggs.

"Good girl, Tess. Now, go and get me a bucket full of fresh milk." Ms. Joan said.

"Y-you mean. I shall. The cow?!?!" I said.

"Yes! exactly! That'll be your last job, girl! And then we could eat lunch." Ms. Joan said.

"No. way." I said.

"C'mon, be a good girl and do what I have told you to do." She said.

Oh. My. God. Like excuse me?!?! I never do that kind of stuff? I should've been busy with my hair, or painting my nails! When will this horrible nightmare end?!?!

"Look. I'll try my best, okay? Just keep calm!" I said talking to the cow.

I got the bucket, and started this disgusting job...

Everything went well. Phew! 5 minutes later, I was done. 1 full bucket of milk.

"There you big bucket full of milk." I said.

"Thank you, Tess." Ms Joan said.

"Now go wash your hands, lunch is ready!" She later said.

I hope that lunch would be something yummy. Fried chicken. Steak. Whatever! Just anything yummy.

I came back and found out that she did cook some yummy treats. I was so blessed!

"I knew that you'd prefer some yummy steak in your tummy rather than anything full of veggies." Ms. Joan said.

"Thank you Ms. Joan! Oh god, that looks so tasty..." I said.

Yet, I was so mad about what happened today.


Hello!! OMG guys I can't believe this!!! 6.43K?? This is impossible!! Thank you of course for all the support. I love you!! 😍😍😍

And also sorry for not updating this weekend. We had lots of school work to do.

Who here watched the 1D movie? We watched it on Saturday and it was epic!!

This week's dedication goes to: @EmilyVictoria150 😍

~¥araRA~ (Yara)

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