Chapter 10 : Running into tears 2

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Chapter's song : Lost stars - Adam Levine.


"I can't. I can't live. Why don't you get me mitchie? Why?" Wailed Shane. Luckily there weren't other people waiting in the hospital. Well probably that's normal because we were in a hospital that was in the middle of nowhere.

"Excuse me?" Said a blonde nurse stepping out of brown's room.

"Yeah?" I walked up to her.

"Two people at a time can go into the room. Please keep it down and try not to disturb the patient" she said sending me a warm smile that gave me comfort.

I always wanted to be a doctor. I feel like the feeling of saving a life gives me strength. Mom and dad always told me how hard it was to be one. At the end of the day, you might not save the patient all the time, and a part from me being a very sensitive person I also feel like guilt eats me alive if a saw someone suffering.

Maybe Jason was right about my heart...

"So who is going in first? Asked Dana.

"I think Shane and Jason should" I put out.

Shane shook his head showing that he doesn't want to go in first.

"Dana?" I winked in her direction.

"Yeah" she smiled while taking Jason with her into brown's room.

I had to talk to Shane for a while. I'm so worried about him.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I sighed walking to Shane and resting my head on his shoulder.

I was surprised when he mumbled the words.

"Yes please.." Muttered Shane unclearly.

"I'm all ears" i smiled looking at him.

"We might not see him again Mitch. Any second might be the end" he cried "forever"

My tears rolled down my cheeks as he whispered the last word. Forever?

I took a deep breath and tried to be that strong girl that I'm not.

"Shane, maybe what we think we might see at the end of the road, is not what we really will see" I spoke gently.

I couldn't see a person like him break down, while I stand and watch him fall.

"Shane wait!" I screamed as he stormed out of the hospital.

I leaned my back on the white walls and stared at the ceilings. Camp doesn't seem too fun this year...

I slowly let go and let my eyes drift to sleep.

Was this an escape?

"Hey." Whispered a voice.

I slowly opened up to see Nate standing in front of me.

I forced a smile because I was surely not in the mood to speak a word.

"What's going on?" He said sitting right next to me.

I shook me head and closed my eyes again.

I've never been the strong girl that stood up for her self. I remember when Tess accused me for stealing her bracelet. I know I didn't, but I was too weak to defend my self.

"Mitchie" Nate called again.

"Hmm?" I said turning my head to him and raising my eyebrows.

"You don't seem fine" he said poking my hips.

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