Chapter 23 : Reunited...

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"Well! Why don't we celebrate our reunion, I guess?" Jason said.

"Yeah. Anything fun. Any suggestions?" Dana said.

"A small trip for you guys to the carnival nearby?" said Mr. Bradford coming closer to us.

"OH MY GOD! YES!" Caitlyn said.

"Amazing! That would be fun!" Shane said.

"Well c'mon campers! You got 15 minutes to get ready!" Mr. Bradford said clapping his hands.

I love how Mr. Bradford comes out with the most fun ideas. It isn't just about doing the same thing everyday. Fun trips every couple of days...

15 minutes later...

"Are you ready guys?" Mr. Bradford said loudly from the mini van.

"Yes! C'mon!" I said.

Tess got out of her hub kinda overdressed as usual. This is all she cares about...

"Oh! By the way, No trip for the little miss Tess! And as a punishment, she's gonna go to a farm and help with cleaning." He said.

She stood there in shock, saying nothing, then stormed back into her hub. Everyone was in tears! All of them laughing at the look on her face. This is what she deserves. I knew she would never change.

We all hopped into the van including Tess, she was sitting somewhere at the back all by herself crossing her arms.

"Can we please open the radio? That will add a little spice to our trip!" I said.

"Yeah sure!" Mr. Bradford said.

"Oh! And I think that turning the volume higher would be better too." Said Jason.

"C'mon guys! Sing along with me!" Peggy said!

We all started singing and clapping! Everything went perfect! The van later stopped right in front of the farm. Mr. Bradford and Tess both went to the lady who would be helping Tess, while the rest of us waited in the car.

"Good morning Madam!" Mr. Bradford said.

"Good morning! I see Tess is here! Are you ready?" She said.

"....yes." Tess said.

"Well, come with me Tess! I'll go get the stuff you need!" She said.

After that, the van stopped in front of the main gate of the carnival. We all stood there chatting with smiles on our faces.

"C'mon campers!" Mr. Bradford said.

"We're gonna meet here after 2 hours! okay?" He later said.

"Yeah! ok." Barron said.

"Now you're free to play whatever game you want! Enjoy!" Mr. Bradford said.

We all ran in like little kids. I went to this roller coaster at the end with Shane. It was pretty scary. Then we both went to play 'Toss it'. We had to knock all the cans down to get a big teddy!

"You do the first shot, then I'll do the second. Okay?" Shane said.

"Yeah, sure!" I said.

I was able to knock down just 3 out of 10.

"Good one!" Shane said.

"Thank you." I said with a smile.

Shane shot the second one.

"Five down! You're so good! Now you try the third." I said with excitement.

He knocked the last two, so we won a big teddy. Shane got it then gave it me. I was really happy. I'm so excited to play the horse racing game next...


Helloo! I can't believe that we made it to 5.6k. Epic! 😍😍😍Thank you so much guys! So now we're having two extra days as holiday, and we thought that since we update twice every weekend, this time we can update 4 times. ❤️❤️❤️ We'll always try to update whenever we're free! :D

This chapter's dedication goes to: @gurl98 💗💗💗

~¥araRA~ (Yara)

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