Chapter 19 : Leaving camp

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Chapter's song : Never Be Alone - Shawn Mendes


Everything was going right until I saw mom standing at the door of our hub.
"Can you girls explain?" She said holding a note in her hand.


"Explain what, mom?" I said confusingly.
"Explain this..." She said as she handed me the note.
To: Mitchie
From: Shane
Dear Mitchie,
Our plan worked out really good! I think that Tess will be out of camp anytime soon! We just need extra time, and then she'll leave. I'll make sure everything goes as planned.

Love, Shane xx

"But what is this?!?!" I said in shock!

"Well you and Shane are in big trouble! Mr. Bradford saw this and told me. I went crazy! Like how could you do that?" Mom said.

"B-but we didn't do anything!" I said.

"Now get Shane and come to the office!"

She ordered angrily.

Shane came to see what was happening here. He was shocked after he saw that note...

"But I didn't do that! I'm 100% sure!" Shane said.

"Me too! We didn't write any of that!" I said crying.

"Well we'll see about that in the office."

We all went to the office where Mr. Bradford was sitting, then sat on the chairs on the other side of his desk.

"Well hello there." He said.

"I'm really disappointed today. Why would you ever want Tess to leave camp? I never expected any of that from you." He later continued.

"But I swear we didn't plan any of that! I didn't write that either!" Shane said.

"Well who do you think wrote the letter?

Im really sorry, but I'll have to make both of you leave camp. Mrs. Torres, I think you have to go with them, I'm really sorry, but they probably cannot go alone, so you can go if you want." He said.

We all left the office. I was sobbing already. Leave camp? camp?! No way! Plus what did we do? It shall probably be a set up.

After 10 more minutes, Shane, mom, and I packed our bags ready to leave after everyone knew what happened. They all tried to calm us down.

"Are you ready guys?" Mom said.

"Yea..." Shane said.

"Then c'mon let us go, I will drive you home if you want, Shane." Mom offered.

"Yeah, thank you!" He said.

"Bye bye, Mitchie" Ella came hugging me.

We all hugged, they felt terrible for what was happening.

As we went into the van, Shane tried to calm me down. What now? What shall we do? I mean who would set all of this?!
After we all went home, I sat on my bed and looked at the ceiling. Peggy later called me...

"Hello?" She said.

"Oh hi, Peggy." I said.

"I really feel sorry for you, though I'm sure that you and Shane didn't do any of that. whoever did that will get punished..."

"Yeah. I know. Thank you though for calling, you finally made me smile a little." I said.

"Oh don't worry, Mitchie. I don't know why, but I feel like it might be Tess, I'm not sure, but I'll try to figure out." She said.

"Well I don't know either, but I just hope that we can get back to camp..." I said.

"Yeah...I can't imagine camp like this without you guys..." Peggy said.

"I will miss you guys too." I said.

"Oh! Well I got to go see what the campers are doing. I'll talk to you later!" She said.

"Oh, okay! Bye then!" I said.

"Bye!" She said with a squeaky voice.
I got my diary and my teddy too. I started writing and writing everything, then started talking to my teddy like it was real. Telling it everything I was going through right now.

"At least it understands me!" I said giggling.

My mom later came into my room to check on me...

"Are you okay, sweetie?" She said coming closer to me.

"Yeah. Maybe." I replied.
"Well would you please tell me what's going on. I believe you, honey. Though I still didn't understand the whole thing." She said.

"Well I'm really sure that Shane and I never planned any of that. Shane didn't write this note too, I'm sure. This is all what I know, but maybe it can be a set up. I can't blame it on anyone, because I still don't know who." I said.

"Well who would do such a thing? We cannot go back to camp unless we show Mr. Bradford a proof." Mom said.

"Well, Peggy just called. She told me that it may be Tess. She's not sure though, but she felt like there was something wrong with her. Plus she can still be mean." I said.

"Well we don't know who, so you can't say that it was Tess." Mom said.

"Yeah. True. Peggy said that she'll make sure, because it shall be someone at camp, and I'm not there anymore..." I said.
"Well don't worry, honey. We'll find who did that. I'm 100% positive." She said.

After a long conversation between mom and I, we decided to get pizza for dinner. Maybe this will kinda make me feel better. Oh my! I cannot wait to go back to camp. I just left today, but I miss it already. We could've had a bonfire together, or maybe just singing and dancing together too. As memories floated in my head, I started getting more and more sleepy until I ended up sleeping in bed...


Hey guysss! ❤️❤️❤️ So everything was confusing in the last chapter, right? Now this chapter shall explain everything! We just finished the first week of school, and we are most probably gonna update more in the weekends, because this is when we have more free time to write. Though don't worry, we'll try our best to update ASAP.
This chapter's dedication goes to: @cutiepie12tz 💕
Thank you so much for your support!

~¥araRA~ (Yara)

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