Chapter 15 : Move on? Not.

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Chapter's song : Bones - Lewis Watson


We headed back to camp. Everything is getting worse. Things were good at the beginning. New campers. New manager. New camp! Now things are getting horrible. We all loved Brown, I felt like he was a close person to me...

"Hey! What happened, guys!" Caitlyn asked.

"Guys? What's wrong?" She later said.

"We got bad news actually...really bad!" Shane said.

Peggy and I couldn't talk from all the shock, so Shane told them everything.

"Actually, the doctor...said that..." Shane said.

"Yes? What happened?" Tess said.

"...Brown passed away last night." He completed.

Everyone stood in shock. Impossible.

"An-And how did this hap-happen?" Caitlyn asked terrified by the news.

"The disease kept on spreading and he just got worse..." Shane said.

Everyone was silent for a moment, then some were crying, and some just had their heads down, until Mr. Bradford came in.

"What's wrong? I thought that everything was okay..." Mr. Bradford said.

"We just received bad news...Brown." Barron said.

"Oh yeah. I knew about that just right after I woke up this morning. I still can't believe that this just happened." Mr. Bradford said.

"But we gotta move on. We all get through bad things you know. It's just hard to move on. Yes, I understand. He was a really dear friend to me too." Mr. Bradford said.

"Yeah, that's true." I said struggling to find the right words to say.

"What about a camp fire to get us all cheered up?" Suggested Mr. Bradford.

It was almost night time. A camp fire was perfect, unless if we didn't really loose so many beloved ones.

Most of the campers nodded in satisfaction. I didn't say anything about it.

"And you Mitch?" Asked Shane interrupting my thoughts.

"Hmm?" I looked up to meet Shane's eyes.

"Would you like a camp fire?" He repeated.

"Yeah, yeah. Sure" I gulped as I walked away into my hub.

Shane's POV:

It looked like Mitchie was drowning in deep thoughts. I decided to grab some of her attention.

"And you Mitch?" I asked looked at her staring at her shoes.

"Hmm?" She quickly looked up. For seconds out eyes met, but then she looked around the room forcing a weak smile.

"Would you like a camp fire?" I repeated, this time louder.

"Yeah, yeah. Sure" she said nervously. Is it possible that all this is because of brown's lose? I'm devastated too but not as much as she is. She might loose her self. I might loose her...

All the rest in the room started planning songs for us to sing during the camp fire. I was so distracted by Mitchie, I didn't even see her leave the room.

This is getting worse every second and all I do is sit back watching her break down.
I decided to hold my self together and flow her. Maybe I can help? I don't know...

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