Chapter 28 : Back in the days

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I had the perfect idea before we leave camp. I just prayed it would work.
"Were are the junior rockers?" I asked Jason.

"In their hub I guess?" He replied unsure.

"Okay then wait here one second." I told them as I rushed into the junior rockers hub.

"Boys! Girls! Come closer!" I said.

"What's up mitchie?" Asked Theo.

"Who here remembers what we did last year at the final jam against camp star? I mean who still has that recording camera?" I asked quickly.

"Me!" Shouted a kid at the back.

"Do you still have all the stuff we filmed saved on it?" I said.

"Yeah maybe." He replied.

"Kay then give it to me!!" I jumped excitingly.

He ran to his bed and grabbed it from under his pillow.

"All of you get ready and meet us outside 1 hour later in front of the lake. Okay?" I ordered.

They nodded in union while I ran out to the others.

"Jason and Nate I want you to grab as much food and snacks you can from mom and get them all here after an hour or so. Set them up until we get other stuff ready." I ordered.

"But why?" Asked Nate.

"Just do what I'm telling you. Now come on we don't have time!!" I rushed.

"All the others, I want you to set up a projecting screen in front of the lake. Caitlyn I want you to come with me." I finished.

They all went in their own ways, except of course Shane was out of sight. I wanted to forget about him for now and enjoy the last moments here. Maybe he isn't worth my time.
"What shall I do?" Caitlyn asked snapping me out of my thoughts.

"I want you to get silly strings and loads of pillows. Then when you are done go help the others." I said

She smiled and ran to get started.
I walked to my hub and grabbed my laptop. I connected the video recorder to the computer and waited for it to load. Seconds later, a wide range of videos showed up. I recognised a file name under the title 'Camp Rock #JuniorYear1' I opened it and smiled widely at the sight.

I unplugged the recorder and ran outside, but of course again Mr. You know who had to stop me.

"What?" I asked quiet rudely.

"Listen Mitch. This is killing me. Please. I haven't slept ever since. At that point I realised that you were my weak point. You break me when your not around. I realised that with out you I'm destroyed." He stopped but then smiled for some reason.

"Remember at year one when I wrote a song that completed yours?" I slightly smiled but then kept it in.

"Your the voice I hear inside my head the reason that I'm singing i need to find you. I gotta find you. Your the missing piece I need the song inside of me. I need you find you. I gotta find you." He sang softly as I looked into his eyes.

"Shane please..." I cried pushing him away as the tears threatened to fall one after the other.

I sucked my breath in as I heard him call my name.

I wiped my tears and decided to live the last moment of joy and fun for the year.

I walked to the lake and found everyone there with everything ready in place. I smiled an walked over to the computer and loaded the video camera into the projector.

I pressed play and that's were the fun began.

The first recording was when we first started camp here last year. When we sang for the opening. I remember how we were confused about what to sing because none of us had actually planned for something.

Next was the time when we went to the camp star sing along camp fire night.

After that was the recording when we first started running camp. Jason took over the junior rockers and oh my...
There were shots of them filling his face with pie and whipped cream. There was a whole lot of pranks that they pulled on him. Poor Jasy...

Then was a recording of our performance at the final jam against camp star. There was also a recording of the results which I paused and skipped. No more heartbreak today.
The last recording was a recording of us singing 'this our song'. That was the last day of camp. I'm afraid we will be going through it again soon.

I looked around and saw Shane standing at the very end of the crowd watching the last recording play. He had a faded smile across his face.

This is our summer and this our song....a broken one.

HEYYYY!!! Double update!!! Double update!!!! Doubleeee updateeeee!!!! Whohoo!!! Omg I'm cryingggg 2 more chapters!!!! I can't believe itttt!!' This story became part of my life cycle. I want to thank each one of you to bits and pieces I love youuuu!!
#DanaBJ# (Dana)

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