Chapter 21 : Breaking down

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I had to read the letter, maybe it's something really important, so this is what it said...


To: Mitchie

From: Tess

Hey. Sorry for what happened to you in camp, but since you won't be coming back, I have to tell you something so important. I cannot hide this from you...I heard that Shane is involved for your dad's death. I don't know how, but this is the only thing I know for now. I'm really sorry, but I had to tell you...


What even!!! Shane?!? Is this true? Was he part of this? SHANE?!?! I couldn't hold my tears. Why?! Just why?!?!

I ran to mom and showed her the letter...

"Mom, I don't know if this is true..." I said.

"What? Shane?!?! I cannot actually blame it on him, I mean, Tess. What if she was lying just to break you into pieces?" She said.

"I-I don't know, mom." I said.

I went to my room and snuggled with my teddy...

Two problems now...Camp, and dad's death. What shall I do?

What an idiot! He was just talking to me like nothing happened! To pack my bags and go to camp with him...

"Mitchie?" Mom suddenly came in.

"Yes mom?" I said.

"Shane just called and asked if you could speak to him about camp." She said.

"Oh, camp. Well I'm not sure if I really wanna go with him. I want to go to camp, but maybe not with him." I said.

"Listen Mitchie, we cannot just say that he did this. We have to make sure, and then we could judge. Now go and talk to him, then tell him that I'm gonna pass by him and pick him up." She said.

"Okay, mom." I said.

I went downstairs...

"Hello?" I said.

"Umm...hi Mitchie!" He said.

"So, we're going to camp, right?" He later completed.

"Yeah! Mom suggested to pass by and pick you up..." I said.

"Oh! okay! Well umm, I'll go get ready then." He said.

"Oh, okay. I will too. Bye!" I said.

"Bye." Shane said.

I went to get dressed and pack some of the stuff that I unpacked earlier.

"Mom, are you ready?" I said.

"Yeah. C'mon sweetie." She said coming downstairs.

I wore my shoes then opened the door.

"C'mon mom!" I said.

I helped mom with putting the bags in the car, they were really heavy, I hope that Shane's plan works.

Mom drove her van until she reached Shane's home. There he is, standing next to the bench...

"Shane!" Mom called.

"Hello Mrs. Torres!" He said.

"Well hello Shane! C'mon in!" Mom said.

He came closer holding his bag. We got out of the van to help him put it inside.

"Hello Mitchie!" He said.

"Oh hi Shane." I said.

"Are you sure that your plan is gonna work?" I asked.

"Yeah, why not?" He said.

It was really quiet afterwards, no one talked. It was just the radio...


Hellooo! Thank you guys for supporting us!! Can't believe we're gonna almost reach 5K!!! 😱Incredible! Your support increases day by day! Thank youu!! ❤️❤️❤️

This chapter's dedication goes to: @yratan 💕💕💕

~¥araRA~ (Yara)

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