Thank you...

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Good day everyone. I have something to say, actually a lot to say. So I decided to write it all down.

We didn't get that extremely huge amount of reads and votes in comparison to all the other books, but we still got a small loyal group of the best supporters ever. You were a couple, but you people gave me an experience in life that I wouldn't trade for a billion dollars.

You are all absolutely the people I'll remember through out all my life. You are utterly amazing.

It mainly depended on you believing in us even though you never knew who we were. That was a heartwarming thing to know, and I'm thankful for every second I spent thinking and writing about this story.

You were the main characters and authors here. Without you there would be nothing here to read. Without you, we would've gave up all the effort long time ago.

There were some who made me smile everyday morning before I went to school. I used to wake up every morning, refresh my notifications and find these certain people voting continuously and leaving unforgettable comments.

I will never forget how you changed my frown into a smile. I will never forget any single one of you.

This might be the last opportunity for me to say these three words....I LOVE YOU!!!!!

Yours Truly,
Dana and Yara xxx

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