Chapter 25 : Almost a fairytale

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Yesterday was still rewinding in my mind. It's was unforgettable. Everyone was happy. We completed each other. We had the camp soul. I thought we lost that this year, but I guess love never dies. Even in the darkest of moments.

"Girls!" screamed a voice.
I shot up from my bed in worry.

"yeah?" i responded, my eyes still shut.

"Girls, Mr. Bradford wants us all as soon as possible in his office." said a male voice which sounded so much like Carter.

"what for?" i asked rubbing my eyes. I took a moment to look at the girls. They were all still asleep. I chuckled to myself at the thought of them being such deep sleepers.

"i dont know! just get up!" he screamed in frustration and slammed the door behind him.

what the hell is going on with his mood today?

"good day campers. I hope you all slept well last night." greeted Mr. Bradford.

We all smiled and nodded with responce.

"great!" he clapped his hands together. "i have some news."

"What is it?" asked Nate.

I looked around scanning the room, searching for Shane. Oddly, he was no where in sight.

"First, let me remind you kids that summer is almost over, which means camp is too. Please enjoy your last days here. We want everyone to leave happy." he said

Oh shoot! I forgot. Camp will be over 1 week later!!! NO.NO.NO. Its like we just got here. Besides, the fun just started.

"Second, a camper is missing." he paused in silence.

What? Who? When???

"Today morning Shane wasn't in his bed. The boys here searched for him all around camp. Do you girls know anything?" he continued.

Suddenly everyone was looking at me like i had the answer. But that wasnt the problem, since shane was totally out of sight.

There was complete silence. I couldnt handle this, so the only thing i did was run.

"Shane!" i screamed into the empty space.

I crossed camp boundries without permission, but really i couldnt care less. The only thing i needed now was one long hug from Shane.

Im not really i like him? i guess....yeah i do, and i did 2 years ago. I fell in love from the very first second...from the very first lie.

I sat on the edge of the river as i remembered that day we both came to the river together. I looked at the birds. Yet again, they sang.
Where could he be?

"Mitch" whispered a voice again and again in my ear.

I tried to snap out of my dream, but i couldnt.

The voice whispered again and this time i fought to wake up. "what?' i said.

My vision was blurry but then it cleared up.

He's back!! Oh my god!! Shane is here!!

I jumped onto him squeezing him into a hug. He chuckled but them shushed me because everyone was sleeping.

"so tell me now...where on earth were you?" i asked as we both sat on the stage. The night was absolutly freezing. the moon was still out. It was gorgeous. A piece of art.

"mitchie we need to talk. Can we?" he said gently, fear and worry in his voice. i nodded slightly giving him space to speak.

"Camp is over after a couple of days, a-and i want to m-make sure that till next s-summer, me and you are totally honest with each other. I never wanted to do any of this but p-please mitch...I'm sorry" he stuttered.

"Wait what? What are you talking about shane?" i furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"a-actually, i regret every second. It was all my fault. M-me and T-tess went out together for a while when summer ended last year." he gulped.

"hmm?" i responded quietly that you could barely hear my response. A rage of tears escaped my eyes.

"This is also why everything happened this year. I broke up with her once i remembered how bad it was to do that to you. I was so out of my mind. I wish i could change that moment. I regret every second" he said. "This now explains the rumors of me being involved in your dad's death. Also this is why she wrote letters and got us in trouble. She wanted to ruin your life. Because of me. I know, I'm horrible. I really don't even know how I ended up with her. The last person I ever wanted to be with was her. But she's like a snake around their prey. She kept on hissing around me until she got me. I hate myself for being so weak. I'm sorry. I really am." he explained as i felt like exploding.

"Stop." i said crying. "Leave. Go disappear again. This time i wont look for you. In fact i'll help you pack." i said running into the boys hub.

I stuffed all his stupid belongings into the bag, then threw it outside trying not to wake anyone up.

"And one last thing shane." i said feeling my legs drop. "I h-hate y-you" i cried for so long, my eyes started aching.

"mitch..." he spoke.

"leave!" i screamed at the top of my lungs.

I couldnt even watch him leave so i left into my hub before he even picked up his bag.

Camp wasn't as good as i thought it would be. And guess what? it'll never be as good as it was anymore.


HELLAW GUYS!!! Kay dont kill me. I know we were late this week. Sorry for that. Dont worry about the drama going on now. I hate drama, but its a plot so yeah. Bad news: this story is almost over which makes me so sad. Almost 4 chapters are left. I loved writing this. Today i felt kinda emotional writing this. I wish you liked it. Thank you soooo much!! I love youuuu!!!

#DanaBJ# (Dana)

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